The City of University Place is studying possible expansions of recreation opportunities at Cirque Bridgeport Park, a 22-acre community park in the heart of the city, more commonly known as Cirque Park. As a popular local amenity, the park is already much loved and well used. It was identified in the 2020 Parks Recreation and […]
Fall Safety Day is October 21
On Saturday, October 21, West Pierce Fire & Rescue (WPFR) will host its annual Fall Safety Day event. This event is fun for the entire family and, of course, every child receives a free pumpkin! There will also be a food drive held at the event, so please bring your non-perishable donations. Pumpkins have been generously donated […]
Welcome Bober Tea to U.P.
Help the City of University Place celebrate Bober Tea on Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. for a ribbon cutting at their location: 3818 Bridgeport Way W.
Commitment to Community
Congrats to our own City Council member Caroline Belleci who just graduated from the fall session of West Pierce Fire & Rescue’s CERT training class! (Pictured here with the graduating class.) CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) classes are aimed at preparing groups of citizens in our community to prepare for and respond to disasters. The […]
It’s in the Bag
The baggers at Trader Joe’s on Sept. 20 may have been a little overdressed—and some might say a little underqualified—but that’s because they were a bit out of their element. U.P. Police Chief Pat Burke and Sgt. Zach Bregel spent an hour bagging groceries (not criminals) at the Bridgeport Way store as part of Trader […]
Oktoberfest is Next Friday, Oct. 13
Don’t let the date scare you off: Friday, Oct. 13 is going to be a lucky night for all those who attend U.P.’s Oktoberfest celebration in Market Square. They are in for a night of great fun with friends and family alike. Come out from 5-9 p.m. to enjoy live authentic polka music from the […]
Welcome to Pampered Puppers
Help the City of University Place welcome Pampered Puppers on Tuesday, Oct. 3 from 1:30 to 2:30 for a ribbon cutting at their location: 8216 27th St W, Suite C.
Home-based businesses expand their connections
Several home-based businesses attended the second in a series of receptions for those who represent the largest proportion of business licensees in the City of U.P. Joining them at the event on Sept. 20 at the Happy Duo Café were U.P. Mayor Steve Worthington and Council Member Caroline Belleci. These casual gatherings are another way […]
The University Place City Council Oct. 2 Meeting Agenda
The University Place City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Oct. 2 (6:30 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.