Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) June 14 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Summer Nights at the Pavilion kicks off Tuesday
Lakewood’s outdoor summer concert season kicks off Tuesday (June 18, 2024) with a Classic Rock performance from House Band of Lakewood. Join us this season for a great concert lineup. Fan favorites like Chapter 5 and Wally & The Beavs are back, along with new bands showcasing a variety of musical genres. Set up lawn […]
Quick Quack Car Wash files project applications in Lakewood
Project applications have been filed with the City of Lakewood Community and Economic Development Department. The following is a description of the applications and the process for review. The applications and listed studies may be reviewed by contacting the Lead Planner assigned to the project or by visiting the online permit portal and searching for […]
The Lakewood City Council June 17 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on June 17 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
‘The Big One’ gets a new home in Fort Steilacoom Park
For nearly 60 years a massive Douglas fir round sat perched atop a cement stand in an enclosure at the entrance of the Pierce County Library System’s Lakewood library branch on Wildaire Road SW. Today, the Tenzler Log, affectionately called “The Big One”, found a new home. With ease and skill, a crew from Omega […]
Lakewood recognized for Springbrook Park improvements
The City of Lakewood recently received the 2024 Spotlight Award from the Washington Recreation and Parks Association (WRPA) for the development and renovation of Springbrook Park. The Spotlight Award highlights excellence and achievement in the field of parks and recreation by honoring the efforts of public agencies for projects that display the highest standards in […]
Lakewood to invest in Gravelly Lake Commons
The City of Lakewood intends to invest federal HOME Investment Partnership Act (HOME) and HOME Investment Partnership American Rescue Plan Program (HOME ARP) funds into the redevelopment of 5516-5520 Fairlawn Dr. SW, Lakewood WA (a.k.a Gravelly Lake Commons), through grant agreement with Living Support Access Alliance (LASA). In compliance with 24 CFR 42.375, the City […]
Lakewood seeking bids for Lake Steilacoom Bridge Repair
Lake Steilacoom Bridge Repair- City of Lakewood Project No.: 302.0004 Sealed bids will be received by the City of Lakewood at the office of the City Clerk at 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499-5027, until 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday June 18, 2024, and not later, and will then be opened and publicly read aloud in […]
Lakewood City Manager June 7 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) June 7 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.