AquaTechnix will be on American Lake Thursday, July 18 to apply treatment to help control Milfoil, the invasive weed found in the lake.
Treatments will begin early in the morning and continue through the morning and afternoon.
AquaTechnix will post signs in the treated areas and the potentially affected areas to notify which areas were affected. These signs will include water use restrictions or advisories.
There is no restriction on lake usage for recreational purposes. There is a 24-hour irrigation restriction on watering ornamental plants or food crops with the water after treatment.
If you are withdrawing water for potable or domestic water use, livestock watering, or irrigation, and have no alternate water source, please contact AquaTechnex at (360) 330-0152 to arrange an alternate water supply.
Milfoil is identified its arrangements of 1 to 1.5-inch leaves in groups of four around the stems. The stems are reddish and near the surface of the water create flower spikes with small pinkish flowers. Milfoil plants root at the bottom of a body of water and grow mostly underwater.
The map above shows which areas will be treated.
This herbicide treatment is regulated under a permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Permit No. WAG994427.
Was milfoil the target for Lake Waughop? Is the chemical to be used in American Lake the same as was used at Waughop? Thank you to anyone who can post the answer.