Photos – Jessie Garza Recently I shared an article with you titled Westside Story – Who Pick, You Pick. I believe I succeeded in telling you more about pigeons than you ever thought you wanted to know. As difficult as it to imagine, I have more pigeon talk.
Westside Story
Westside Story – Tripping With Uber
When I was 16 years old in 1959, my parents moved from South Seattle to Firwood just north of the Puyallup River. It took a few days, but eventually, I found where my parents had gone and I moved in with them.
Westside Story – Who Pick, You Pick
What should we talk about today? How about… Lakewood City Council’s Rental Inspection Program (RIP)? Homing pigeons? The size and impact of Joe Boyle’s carbon footprint?
Westside Story – A Sign of the Times
My photo depicts a message worth sharing. How nice it would be if everyone saw the sign and then did their very best to promote the “Imagine Peace” concept.
Westside Story – Kids Copy Parents
Today, a bicycle rider is supposed to wear a bike helmet. Everyone knows that. When I was age 6 – 16, my pal, Biff, and I rode our bikes every day without a helmet. Yes, we fell off, but were lucky and never suffered a brain injury. At least I do not think we suffered […]
Westside Story – Two Lips In The Sun
Photos – Peg Morgan Just last week I had the pleasure of connecting with an internationally recognized photographer, Peg Morgan. I am not exaggerating when I say, internationally recognized. While no one may have heard of Peg Morgan in Broadus, Montana, population 482, Peg has friends and relatives on the West Coast, East Coast, Transylvania […]
Westside Story – The Thin Blue Line
Have you ever wondered what a police officer does in a 30-year career, day in and day out? I understand we think we know what cops do from watching make believe sources such as TV, movies and the news.
Westside Story – MyLakewood311 Part II
On March 24, 2017, I published an article in The Suburban Times titled Westside Story – MyLakewood311. I shared what I thought was a prime and timely example of how MyLakewood311 can work.
Westside Story – 911 Online Reporting
I have good news for most citizens of Pierce County. My report today reinforces one of my favorite old biblical concepts, “Ask & ye shall receive”. (Author’s note: Of course, I realize all biblical concepts are old.)