Left-overs are either something you eat because you already paid for them or they are an opportunity to lift a meal up to a new level of enjoyment. We had some left-over lamb kabobs from a lunch at It’s Greek to Me in Tacoma. A taco is an easy fix for many left-overs. It is […]
Off-Leash Dog Parks
Having a dog, means taking responsibility for your pet. They need to go on regular walks. Dogs are very social. They love to interact with humans and other dogs. They like to explore and exercise. Let them run around on their own in your back yard just doesn’t make it. “Proper exercise is an important […]
The Last Soup of Winter
My favorite soups . . . While traveling to Spain with friends a few years ago, Peg and I had the most wonderful melon gazpacho in Barcelona. The cantaloupe puree with a touch of chicken broth and perfectly pan-fried scallops live on in my mind. One of these days we’ll have to make our own […]
Old Stories, Lost Connections, and Disappearing Opportunities
The week before my father died, he told stories I had never heard before. He told about families in turmoil from the great depression and he mentioned as a Lt.J.G. watching from the bridge as torpedoes ran silently toward his oil tanker in the South Pacific during World War II. He told me about renting […]
Self-Reliance and Solving Problems
I was sitting in the emergency room at Tacoma General reading an article by Joanna Nesbit about raising children to be problem solvers*. Her high school son had gone to study with a friend. She didn’t realize until later that the friend lived more than twenty-five miles away. She was amazed that he carried a […]
A Little Night Music – Tacoma Little Theatre Review
The first thing that caught Peg’s eye were the floating tree images that formed the backdrop and passage ways on the stage. The were made of 1/8th inch thick wood with cut outs to represent the birch forest. There was a continuance of the birch theme with a whole birch cutout on each side of […]
Fresh Paint for St. Vincent de Paul
The thrift store and receiving center for St. Vincent de Paul in Tacoma has a new coat . . . of paint. Inside people can find warm clothing for themselves and their families to finish out our cold winter. Don’t worry, the mural facing South 56th Street is still artistically sound and one of the […]
Odd Fellows, but Not Well Met
My friend Denny called about 11:30 to invite Peg and me out to lunch. He suggested a fairly new restaurant near by, but I wasn’t ready to try it for a second time, yet. It had been too noisy, when another friend and I had eaten there. I suggested the new Odd Fellows in Westgate. […]
Angry Housewives – Young at Heart Players – TMP
Angry Housewives: It was a cold and damp Sunday evening, and still a good-size crowd came. It wasn’t a sellout, but then I think Tacoma Musical Playhouse can seat more than 300 guests, which is a huge venue for a short run musical. People were chatting, waving to their friends and shaking hands in the […]