APCC and the South Tacoma community is brimming with excitement and anticipation as we prepare to embark on the journey of the South Tacoma Heritage Festival, August 12-13, 11 am to 6 pm. This eagerly awaited two-day extravaganza holds the promise of honoring our diverse community while fostering a sense of unity across cultures. In […]
Buffalo Soldiers Labor Day Festival
Submitted by Buffalo Soldiers Museum. Join us at the Labor Day Festival (September 4, 2023) as we honor the military, celebrate the history, and create cherished memories with the community. The event promises to be a day of fun, appreciation, and inspiration. The festival will feature food, games for children, and live music by Darelle Holden […]
Tapirs Together Again
What’s that sound? It’s the tapirs together again, sharing a habitat in the Asian Forest Sanctuary. Yuna (female) and Baku (male) know each other by smell and sound, but usually spend their days separately, as they would in the wild. Now, a breeding recommendation by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Species Survival Plan® (SSP) […]
Family Picnic and School Supply Giveaway, Sept. 2
Submitted by Tacoma Urban League. Summer will be over before we know it and what a great opportunity to come together and fellowship with the Urban League community! We will have activities for the kids, food, and school supplies to share. All ages are welcome. We look forward to seeing you all there! If you […]
We’ve Got Big Ideas- Let’s Hear from You
Symphony Tacoma announcement. With Symphony Tacoma’s strings, horns and trumpets muted for the summer, it’s our opportunity to listen to you, our loyal audience members. While post-concert surveys provide immediate feedback on each performance, they sometimes lead to larger questions. As Symphony Tacoma continues to regain musical momentum and fulfill its mission of building community […]
History: Mill bound logs
From the Tacoma Historical Society Twitter/X social media. An unidentified driver and two St. Regis timber workers sent a load of logs on its way from Camp #2 in Mineral to the company’s paper mill in Tacoma in August of 1949. In 1949, St. Regis was making kraft paper in six of their mills: about […]
Fill up on fun at the newly opened Gas Station Park
Tacoma, WA: It’s time for the South End to get revved up and ready to celebrate the grand opening of Gas Station Park! Although it’s one of the smallest parks in the city at 0.2 acres, it packs a big punch with its transformation from a former gas station that left the lot as a […]
‘Au’some yard
Tacoma Public Utilities social media post. A golden yard is ‘Au’some, and you may not be the only person in your neighborhood with one! Allowing your lawn to go dormant in the summer can save you water and is good for the environment. When conditions are better in the fall the grass should grow back […]
Tacoma Open Data Launched August 4
TACOMA, Wash. — The City of Tacoma has launched Tacoma Open Data at cityoftacoma.org/tacomaopendata. The updated open data portal – which builds on lessons learned from the City’s work in data analytics – is designed to make it easier for people to access data from the City without legal restrictions on use or reuse. “The launch […]