Town of Steilacoom announcement. The Kiwanis Club of Steilacoom presents the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 8 starting promptly at 10 AM at Cherrydale Primary School. Toddler to 9 years old. Candy donations for the event will be accepted at the Public Works Building at 1030 Roe St.
Support Steilacoom High School via 4th Annual Mattress Fundraiser
Submitted by Steilacoom High School Music Boosters. You can get a new mattress and support our Music Students at the same time! The SHS Music Boosters will be hosting the 4th Annual Mattress Fundraiser Saturday, April 15th, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Steilacoom High School. All proceeds benefit the advancement of student […]
Rainier Street Preservation Project has started
Town of Steilacoom announcement. Work has commenced on the Rainier St. Preservation Project. This project will continue through mid-May and will consist of the reconstruction of sidewalk ramps to meet current standards, grinding down the existing asphalt roadway and repaving of the roadway between Union Ave and Steilacoom Blvd. Active Construction Inc. is the contractor […]
Old Military Road Pavement Preservation
Town of Steilacoom announcement. We will be improving Old Military Road and Stevens Street between the East Town Limits to Lexington St. with an overlay (as depicted on the map below). The project will also replace curb ramps that are not currently ADA compliant, adjust utilities to grade, restripe the roadway, and add signage where […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator March 17 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s March 17 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Rigney Road Non-Motorized Improvement Project
Town of Steilacoom announcement. March 16 and 17, Miles LLC will be grinding/paving the west side of Rigney Rd. between Steilacoom Blvd. and Lexington St. One lane alternating traffic is expected. Please avoid this area if possible and expect long delays if traveling this roadway. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
Steilacoom Town Administrator March 10 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s March 10 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Steilacoom Town Administrator March 3 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s March 3 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
County cancels two Steilacoom ferry sailings for Saturday
Pierce County social media post. Service update: This Sat., March 4, all departures between 8:20 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. are canceled for crews to transition the Steilacoom II from the temporary backup generator. Regular service will resume with the 3:50 p.m. departure from Steilacoom.