Pierce County social media post. Congratulations to Superior Court Judge Michael Schwartz and Commissioner Clint Johnson for both receiving the 2022 Innovative Justice Award! 🎊 The award is for leaders who help courts deliver innovative justice using a race equity lens. Learn more: bit.ly/PCSuperiorCour…
Pierce County
Pierce County COVID-19 data update: Cases, hospitalizations and deaths
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. Holidays take a lot of preparation. Include a dose of the latest COVID-19 booster on your list of ingredients for a safer Thanksgiving! Find your dose at tpchd.org/vaxtothefuture. This week, Washington State Department of Health changed its COVID-19 data reporting to once a week. We moved our data report to Thursdays to align […]
Service and sacrifice
Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier announcement. This is an early edition of the blog since tomorrow is Veterans Day. I had the honor of speaking at the Puyallup American Legion’s annual Veterans Day event last weekend and I’d like to share a portion of my remarks that day with you. Back on September 2nd, I […]
Invitation to the Chambers-Clover Creek Watershed Council’s Groundwater Forum
Submitted by Cindy Haverkamp. Mark your calendars and register for the Chambers-Clover Creek Watershed Council’s 6th annual Watershed Issues Forum on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 from 3:00 to 5:30pm. This event is FREE. You can attend in-person OR virtually via Zoom. The forum will feature six guest speakers on topics related to wastewater and septic […]
You served for them. Now, this Veteran’s Day, they serve you.
There are a few minor variations to this year’s list. Call to be sure the offer is available or possible stipulations. All offers Nov11 unless noted. Be prepared to show proof and pay for extras such as taxes (and tip!) Starbucks: free 12-oz cup of coffee to active duty and veterans, and military spouses. Little […]
The Northwest Seaport Alliance announces further decarbonization efforts at COP27
Northwest Seaport Alliance announcement. On Nov. 7, The Northwest Seaport Alliance announced its newest decarbonization effort as part of the Green Shipping Challenge at the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh. The Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA), the marine cargo partnership […]
Pierce County awards $9.6 million in ARPA sewer and water utility infrastructure grants
Pierce County announcement. Pierce County is awarding a total of $9.6 million to fund sewer and water system infrastructure improvement projects through its federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant program. The Planning and Public Works Department received 28 total applications for the ARPA Sewer and Water Utilities Infrastructure Grant Program’s Partnership and Support programs. […]
Pierce County Library System closed Friday, Nov. 11, Veterans Day
Pierce County Library System announcement. The Pierce County Library System will be closed Friday, Nov. 11, Veterans Day. During that time, the Library’s online services, as always, will be open at www.piercecountylibrary.org, featuring online e-books, audiobooks, videos and magazines as well as other services and resources.
Frederickson sewer project work continues
Pierce County social media post. As crews continue work on 152nd St E between 56th Ave E and 67th Ave E for the 144th St E Sewer Extension project near Frederickson, they will also be working on Closures 5 and 7 at the same time. PierceCountyWa.gov/144StreetEast