Pierce County announcement.
Pierce County is awarding a total of $9.6 million to fund sewer and water system infrastructure improvement projects through its federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant program.
The Planning and Public Works Department received 28 total applications for the ARPA Sewer and Water Utilities Infrastructure Grant Program’s Partnership and Support programs.
A team of subject matter experts and County leadership reviewed and scored the project proposals based on the public health and safety improvements, affordable housing options, preservation of existing infrastructure, and/or economic benefits.
The Partnership Program awards include seven projects across four municipalities, totaling more than $6,421,765 in investments.
- City of Lakewood: American Lake Townhomes – Sewer and Water Extension, $159,000
- City of Lakewood: Rose Road and Forest Road Sewer Extension, $597,995
- City of Lakewood: Grant Avenue and Orchard Street Sewer Extension, $735,600
- City of Lakewood: Wadsworth Street, Silcox Drive & Boat Road Sewer Extension, $1,182,822
- City of Puyallup: Salmon Springs Main Replacement – Phase 4, Washington Street to Elizabeth Street, $1,000,000
- City of Tacoma: Main Replacement Project 2020-33: Madison District Green Infrastructure, $2,246,348
- City of University Place: 57th Avenue Sewer Project, $500,000
The Support Program awards include four projects across four municipalities, totaling more than $3,178,235 in investments.
- Town of Carbonado: Carbonado Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement and Large On-site Sewage System (LOSS) Conversion Project, $1,026,735
- Town of Eatonville: Mashel River Streambank Armor Repair, $990,000
- Town of South Prairie: Town of South Prairie Wastewater Collection and Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, $860,000
- Town of Wilkeson: Davis and Rousher Street Sewer Replacement, $301,500
The Pierce County Council established the grant program, designed to mitigate long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in our region. The program allocated $10 million in funding to help invest in critical utility infrastructure projects within the boundaries of Pierce County.
A portion of the available $10 million has been allocated to fund two positions to support the administration of the grant program between 2022 and 2026.
The application period opened on June 1 and closed Aug. 26, 2022, after a four-week deadline extension.
Pierce County appreciates all the municipalities for their interest in the grant program and for their time and effort in preparing their applications.
Learn more about the grant program at PierceCountyWa.gov/ARPAUtility.