Interior and exterior progress continues in the installation of the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library. Electrical wiring is complete and this month, contractors will begin to install the exterior siding and paint the interior walls. If the construction plan holds, the projected opening date of the interim Lakewood Library is late summer. Check out the video below of work underway! […]
Reaching Out and Breaking the Mold
We received an email from Joseph E. Walsh, Managing and Artistic Director of Lakewood Playhouse asking us to attend a cabaret style performance at Lakewood Playhouse. Before being hired to run the shows at LWP, Joeseph had been successful in a number of places from the U.S. to the U.K. and possibly beyond. With theatre […]
Letter: The Raccoon, the Rabbits, and The Ridge
By Cheryl Calvert, with David Anderson “They’re gonna tell us ‘no’ until we’re 30!” I was trying to allay the fears of my best bud Annette that climbing The Ridge as two 14-year-old girls over our parents’ likely objections – should we even ask – was not risky. Mostly not risky. “The rattlesnakes will let […]
Dr. Thomas House Dedication
On the first Saturday of June, Tacoma Habitat celebrated a double home dedication at the Dr. Claudia Thomas Legacy Houses. The community gathered to welcome Janeta and Hannah, and their families, home. The late Dr. Thomas’ children were present, as were many of her Alpha Kappa Kappa sorority sisters (Zeta Omega Omega Chapter) and friends—including Andie […]
Clover Park School Board to Host Board Meeting on June 17
LAKEWOOD, Wash. — The Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board of Directors will hold a planning meeting/retreat on Monday, June 17, at 5:30 p.m. in room 4 of the Student Services Center located at 10903 Gravelly Lake Dr. SW, Lakewood, WA 98499. The meeting will also be live-streamed on Zoom and YouTube. Individuals can attend online by visiting […]
Letter: A Long Walk in the Wrong Direction
Trails were posted “hazardous and route-finding skills required.” It was supposed to have been a paved path trail up the mountain aways. Early summer flowers would be sprinkled across the meadows, birds would be singing, butterflies would be flitting about. Nope. None of the above. Everything above was snowed in. The better part of valor […]
Lakewood City Manager June 14 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) June 14 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Summer Nights at the Pavilion kicks off Tuesday
Lakewood’s outdoor summer concert season kicks off Tuesday (June 18, 2024) with a Classic Rock performance from House Band of Lakewood. Join us this season for a great concert lineup. Fan favorites like Chapter 5 and Wally & The Beavs are back, along with new bands showcasing a variety of musical genres. Set up lawn […]
Quick Quack Car Wash files project applications in Lakewood
Project applications have been filed with the City of Lakewood Community and Economic Development Department. The following is a description of the applications and the process for review. The applications and listed studies may be reviewed by contacting the Lead Planner assigned to the project or by visiting the online permit portal and searching for […]