Let’s switch off screens and put some deeper thoughts towards a new prompt from my friend Tyrean Martinson’s book! Which might be a bit challenging – deep thoughts about shallow thoughts … Who defines what shallow is, by the way? Can the shallowness of someone be the deep thought of somebody else? I think of […]
Pierce Transit Cuts Ribbon on Upgraded Bus Shelters
On August 28, Pierce Transit hosted Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland and other elected officials and dignitaries to celebrate the kickoff of a systemwide bus stop shelter upgrade. Event attendees held a ribbon cutting ceremony at one of the new shelters installed along Bridgeport Way W. in Lakewood. The upgrades to bus shelters throughout Pierce Transit’s service area […]
Two Lakewood businesses among 30 state businesses nominated for Employer of the Year Awards
The Washington State Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues & Employment (GCDE) announces the 2024 nominees for the Governor’s Employer Awards. These awards honor public and private employers statewide for their exemplary work recruiting, hiring, retaining and promoting workers with disabilities. Employer of the Year Award nominees listed in alphabetical order by city: Washington businesses, agencies, organizations and […]
Across the Fence: Sprachraum
Of late, I have encountered quite a few fun discussions in Facebook groups that dealt with the meaning of some English terms. Some simply said that specific terms didn’t even exist for a specific item or meaning. E.g. one American-English speaker said that pasty was not a term for baked goods, and that those were […]
In the Book Nook with … W. James Chan
Author W. James Chan from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, describes himself as retired from “delightfully banal office work that afforded plenty of writing time on the sly.” He has been writing for almost as long as he has been reading. His first book, Blackcloak: A Man of his Sword, was published in 2015. He […]
Letter: First Day of School – The Dream Continues
As our grandson prepared for his first day of Kindergarten some years ago now, in contemplation of the Big Event he said to his daddy “Wait! Does this mean I won’t be able to play all day anymore?” And now it’s our youngest’s turn. She will exchange her sword for a crayon, her fairytale princess […]
100th Street vacation meeting date set
The Lakewood City Council postponed action on an ordinance requesting the city vacate a portion of 100th Street SW leading to Lake Steilacoom. The new date for City Council consideration is Monday, Sept. 16, 2024 at 7 p.m. That is when the City Council will review and discuss the ordinance. The Planning and Public Works Department […]
Letter: We All Live, and Laugh, and Love, in the Same Language
As my wife and I approached the border into Tijuana, our van threading the barricades at the checkpoint, both of us, and all the members of our youth group seated behind us for that matter, had the same question. “No sé dónde está el baño?” Later, I would ask that question again, this time of […]
Lakewood Rotary Club Achieves Milestones in Community Service Under the Leadership of President Mary Horn
Under President Mary Horn’s dynamic leadership, the Lakewood Rotary Club made significant contributions to the community during the 2023-2024 Rotary year. With a strong focus on service and community engagement, the club raised an impressive $170,000 to fund a variety of initiatives that have directly impacted the lives of Lakewood residents. One of the club’s […]