By Joe Boyle I moved to Pierce County in 1959. My photo depicts a small burger joint that has been in the same Tacoma location since the early 1950s, long before I got here. I have always wanted to try it out, but never have.
Westside Story – 1935 Chrysler Airflow
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle How many of you have ever seen or heard of this car? I had never seen one until just recently. I thought it was a remarkable looking vehicle. After taking my photos, I decided to see if I could learn more. I found some interesting material in a book titled, The […]
Westside Story – Lakewood Hardware, what’s happening?
By Joe Boyle My last story posted on May 17, 2012, included a reference to Lakewood Hardware & Paint, Inc. One of our good readers commented, and I quote, “Thank you, Joseph, for another not so subtle plug for another of your favorite businesses.” While I am not certain if the reader was voicing a […]
Westside Story – Mail & I.D. Theft + Credit Fraud
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle “A picture is said to be worth 10,000 words.” My picture is worth “four words”, “Mail and identity theft”. Once you are a victim of mail theft, you can expect the second shoe to drop and that is called I.D. Theft. Following that is credit fraud, which can put a black mark […]
Letter: Thinking about the state’s economy while scrubbing floors
By David Anderson It’s a cinch by the inch but hard by the yard. Little-by-little gets it done. Down on hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen linoleum floor I was joined for a while during the hour-after-hour ordeal by my five-year-old grandson. I had to do it. The rental was to be moved into the next day. Jacob, on […]
Westside Story – Pierce Arrow
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Great weather brings out great cars and this weekend I was at the right place at the right time. I have included two photos of a car I got close to. The first photo (above) is an example of the Pierce-Arrow hood ornament called the Bareheaded Archer. The second photo […]
Westside Story – Fly & Ride
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle What a Saturday. Sunny temperatures pushing towards 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Every motorcycle that runs, was out today and then there were all the guys and gals with convertibles. I love cars and motorcycles. That being said, it should be easy to understand why I […]
Letter: Why Obama is Wrong
By David Anderson, Tillicum Comedian Groucho Marx quipped, “Those are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others.” When President Obama became the first sitting president to endorse same-sex marriages with his announcement May 9, 2012, was his decision the result of having:
Westside Story – Giant Oak Checks Out at the Lakewood Library
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Don’t you just love the weather we are having? Sun and 60s. With all this great weather, it is easy to forget what happened this past January 21, 2012. While walking past the Lakewood Library on my way to Starbucks I was shocked to see a grand old oak […]