By David Anderson Now that the investigation has found Lakewood Police justified in the shooting death of a man with a toy gun, would it not be reasonable to consider including in Lakewood’s Use of Force Policy the following two statements that are currently missing: One that “communicates both to the community and to police officers […]
Westside Story – FRIENDS Book Sale
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Oh boy. It is that time of year again. FRIENDS of Lakewood Library is hosting another, ever popular, book sale at the Lakewood Library located at 6300 Wildaire Road SW, Lakewood, Washington, 98499. This is your opportunity to buy books, records, magazines and other library materials at a huge […]
Westside Story – Writing Opportunity 1600s – 2013
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The years spanning the 1950s through the 1980s were not good years for me to be a writer. My penmanship is more like “scribblemanship”. A medical doctor once gave me a supreme insult. Even though busy physicians are notorious for hurried and illegible penmanship, the doctor said to me, […]
Letter: “Penetrating Questions”
By David Anderson Now that John Simpson has been endorsed (again) by the Tacoma News Tribune for Lakewood City Council, and in light of their reasons why, seven “penetrating questions.”
Letter: Don’t Ask
By David Anderson Be sure to gamble a bit and support your community while attending the City Council candidate forum at the Great American Casino hosted by the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce, October 3, 11:30 am-1 pm. To “share their visions for their respective cities,” will be contenders from both Lakewood and University Place – citizens like yourself […]
Westside Story – Starbucks On The Move
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle As a Starbucks aficionado, I try to keep up with the world of Starbucks all around the world. While it is a big world out there, we have a lot going on right here on our home turf.
Westside Story: NOTACOP
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle During my 20 years in law enforcement, I spent my days searching for “Probable Cause” which often lead to uncovering someone committing a criminal act. I am retired now, so I no longer get to do that. What I do now is look for “Probable Cause” which might lead […]
Westside Story – Retired Six Months
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Today is October 1, 2013. It is amazing to me that I have been retired for six months. April Fools’ Day, 2013 seems like such a long time ago.
Westside Story – New Wedding Tradition
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle We were invited to my nephew’s East Coast wedding. Rather than fly directly to Boston, Massachusetts, where he was to be married, I took my wife on a circuitous route to the wedding. We flew to Montreal, Canada. From Montreal, we took a seven-day Holland America cruise through Southeast […]