It was pushing towards 9:00a early one morning when I parked directly in front of the entrance to the Lakewood Towne Center Starbucks. A young woman was standing outside the open passenger door of a minivan parked next to me.
Letter: “I like to think we’re not most people.”
I thought I had set the parking brake. Evidently not.
Letter: Shopping Carts, Rental Inspections and a common-sense solution
As the City of Lakewood, Washington celebrates this month of August its one-year anniversary of the passage of Ordinance No. 644 instituting the Rental Housing Safety Program at an annual estimated cost to taxpayers of $175,000, not counting $133,000 for the software to support the program, bypassing certainly a more cost-effective alternative in simply communicating […]
Letter: Not hard to imagine what Rental Inspection software could do
If house-cleaning robots can collect data as they sweep up your house, regularly updating maps of floor plans, as well as the layout of home furnishings so as to “avoid toppling over lamps and ramming into your furniture,” think of what software utilized by a city-approved inspector of your rental could do.
Letter: Hot August nights and the Rental Inspection Program
It was on this night – August 10 – one year ago that “the public comment session about Federal Heights’ (Colorado) controversial rental inspection program was abruptly cut short ‘in the interest of public safety,’ according to City Manager Jacqueline Halburnt.”
Letter: Lakewood’s Use of Force Policy – now will it be reviewed?
One of the largest police deadly force wrongful death verdicts in state history – more than $15 million awarded to the family of Leonard Thomas “an unarmed black man killed by a SWAT sniper in Fife”– recently found against the near-by cities of Lakewood and Fife, Washington.
Westside Story – Racing Pigeons Go To School
Photos – Jessie Garza Recently I shared an article with you titled Westside Story – Who Pick, You Pick. I believe I succeeded in telling you more about pigeons than you ever thought you wanted to know. As difficult as it to imagine, I have more pigeon talk.
Letter: For individuals to stand alone, government must stand down
The great goal of government is not that it should be the means to the end as if to suggest that without government’s ‘help’ (i.e. ‘enforcement’) the end would not be achieved.
Letter: Downsizing government – is it really that hard?
The weekend weather was beautiful, the crowds were abundant, and consequently the neon-green garage-sale signs were plastered everywhere with arrows pointing both left and right.