I have to admit, my title is a bit of a head scratcher. While “New” news is easy to understand, “Old” news is a conundrum. When you think of it, if news is old, it is not really news; now is it? I am not going to change my title because if you are learning about the Old news for the first time, than that Old news is New news to you. That being said, I suppose I could change the title to New & New Lakewood Library News. Oh my. Let’s just start the article, shall we?
On February 15, 1947, the doors were opened to our first Lakewood library. I was only four years old and had not learned to read even the Dick, Jane and Spot series.
Had you accumulated $1.00 of library fines in 1947 and paid them off in 2018, your library fine would have grown to $34.56. The library recommends you pay your fines more often to avoid the inflationary spiral that can occur over a 71 year period.
The location of our first library was 6107 Steilacoom Boulevard, SW, Lakewood, Washington. Our starter library began inside the Clover Park Building in a space called the hobby shop.
After the library moved to its next location, Lakewood Appliance occupied that same area for decades. Although Lakewood Appliance has now vacated the Clover Park Building, their old familiar Lakewood Appliance sign is still visible.
Next, Lakewood Library moved into Lakewood’s historic Park Lodge School located at 6300 – 100th St SW, Lakewood, Washington.
On August 1, 1963, because of the enormous generosity of the Tenzler family, our community was blessed with funds to purchase land and to build a beautiful building we now know as the Lakewood Library located at 6300 Wildaire Road SW, Lakewood, Washington.

On our library’s 50 anniversary the building had grown from 8,612’ to 35,592’. The library card holders had increased from 8,500 to 292,933.
Sometime in the late 1950s, a dedicated group of citizens formed what is called Friends of Lakewood Library. The Friends owned and managed the library land and building for decades. Eventually, the Friends transferred the building and property to the Pierce County Library system.
The Friends accomplished all kinds of things for the library and the citizens of Lakewood and Tillicum. One of their accomplishments was the establishment of what is known as the Mole Patrol. The Mole Patrol supports twice yearly big basement used book sales in addition to the year-round used book promotion held in the Friends Book Sale alcove on the first floor of the Lakewood Library near the front entrance. To learn more about Friends of Lakewood Library Mole Patrol click the handy link.
These hard-working, dedicated volunteers generate lots of funds, 100% of which go right back to supporting our Lakewood and Tillicum libraries.

If you want to have some fun and when it comes to money save a ton, book these dates for the Friends of Lakewood Library Used Book Sale located at 6300 Wildaire Road SW, Lakewood, Washington.
**Saturday, March 10, 2018, 1:00p — 3:00p: **Membership Appreciation Night with light refreshments – 25 book limit.
**Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 5:30p — 8:00p: **Members Only with light refreshments – No Limit on book purchases.
Friday, March 16, 2018, 10:00a – 4:30p: Public Sale.
Saturday, March 17, 2018, 10:00a – 4:30: Public Sale.
**Members Only. I have bad news, and I have good news.
PROBLEM: Only Members of Friends of Lakewood Library are allowed to attend the first two events on March 10 and 13, 2018.
SOLUTION: If you wish to attend the Members Only private openings, simply show up with $15 and more quickly than you can say, “Can I look at the good deal on books now, huh, can I, can I, hun, can I?” They will make you a Friend of the Lakewood Library and then usher you expeditiously into where they keep all the really nifty books.
Wonderful recall of Lakewood Friends work. We have refurbished so many areas of our beautiful library including a new roof some years ago. The Friends are a hard working influence on the success of library programs and community affairs. I served as board president and was married in the gallery 25 years ago.