Now the family of Daniel Covarrubias, shot dead by Lakewood Police when officers thought the cell phone he was holding was a gun, is suing the Lakewood Police Department (LPD). According to the April 13, 2018 Seattle Times story by Mike Carter, the federal suit claims “Covarrubias fell victim to the same aggressive police tactics […]
Here’s a thought: if the government and/or majority of people are for it, it’s probably wrong
What marijuana, tobacco products, automobiles, trains and their ilk have in common: advertising, and a too-gullible public. ‘Doggonit!’ exclaimed the owner of the puppy, pursuant to the pet doctor’s presumption that her beloved pet had probably swallowed pot in a public park.
Home from Home: Cast-offs
Submitted by Susanne Bacon Estate sales are something that I have never been to in my German past. Not that Germany didn’t have its number of those – they are usually announced in papers in specific advertising pages. Germany also has thrift shops like Oxfam or Christian organizations’ ones. It’s just that our family never […]
Letter: Public hearing on marijuana May 7
The proposal before the Lakewood City Council is to either prohibit everything that has to do with marijuana or allow it. Written comments can be submitted prior to the hearing to the City Clerk, 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499, or emailed prior to 4:30 p.m., May 7.
Westside Story – A Sign Of The Times
Any of you who read my stuff regularly know I promote complying with rules, laws, and directions whenever we can. The other day while visiting a Lakewood business establishment I experienced some high-level frustration. The first sign reads, “60 Minute Parking Only”.
Homeland Security coming soon… for you?
Apr5, 2018 The Honorable Patty Murray 950 Pacific Avenue, Ste. 650 Tacoma, Washington 98402 Dear Senator, I am a 56-year-old retired US veteran of 20 years combined service in the Marine Corps and National Guard. I understand that politics swings conservative and liberal and sometimes swings to the extreme.
Home from Home: Working Out
Submitted by Susanne Bacon I’m not a couch potato exactly. But when I hear the word “work-out” I shrink and try to bow out backwards. Maybe because the term “work” in work-out sounds like … well, something that is not entirely fun. Yet, I’m sure I’m not at the bottom of the scale of sporty […]
Letter: Lakewood to become Lakeweed?
With two minutes left in the half-hour March 5, 2018 presentation – obtained by Public Disclosure – by the Keller Rohrback LLP attorneys on the Purdue Pharma litigation relative to the opioid case before the Lakewood City Council, Lakewood Mayor Don Anderson asked if marijuana was a gateway drug to the opioid problem.
Letter: Stop gambling addiction – put up more signs
Yeah, that’ll work. A card room employee at Tukwila’s Macau Casino must not have read the signs. Or her boss.