Do you like traveling? Or would you like to travel but can’t anymore for whatever reason? Or have you never dared to travel because you have never experienced how it’s done and it’s totally out of your comfort zone? As a kid one of my favorite role plays was that of a travel agency. I […]
Westside Story – Joe Boyle – Master Gardener, Not So Much
This past week I made it over to our Lakewood Farmer’s Market after having missed the event for three years in a row. A few of the vendors, seeing me for the first time in three years, asked if I had been in prison. I very much wanted to connect with the friendly folks at […]
Book Signing with Susanne Bacon at Steilacoom Museum
Maybe you are already familiar with my Wycliff novels and have been waiting for the series’ latest addition for an entire year? Maybe you are looking for a cozy summer vacation read that is set in the South Sound region, in the fictional Victorian small-town of Wycliff? Then you might want to drive over to […]
Westside Story – Government Ignorance
My title is no reason for Lakewood City Council to get nervous. I am not writing about the illustrious members of our Lakewood City Council. My article concerns Washington State government and a failure of our home grown presidential candidate, Governor Jay Inslee. I will get into all of that in a few paragraphs. My […]
Across the Fence: Cherries
One of my favorite fruits are Morellos, a very tart cherry species that are used in compotes, in red wine gravies, for juices, and in Black Forest cakes. In my childhood, the arrival of tart, dark cherries marked the arrival of summer. Sitting in the top branches of a cherry tree with a book, while […]
Westside Story – Father's Day
Father’s Day was over 7 days ago, but I am still enjoying the celebration because I keep reading the three cards sent to me by my daughter and grandchildren. Father’s Day continues to be sizable fun for me because these cards are the best when it comes to sentiment and humor. I have been receiving […]
Across the Fence: The real remote deal
The sun doesn’t have to be out, and it doesn’t even have to be really warm; the only prerequisite is calm air. That’s when my husband packs one of his planes into the trunk of the car and drives out to a venue for other model airplane aficionados, an airfield somewhere in the very scenic […]
Letter: Keeping out those who don’t belong
Within minutes of my phone call police had arrived. Even though no known guns or drugs were involved. Even though there was no name calling, slamming of doors, or other altercations. After all, the suspects were sleeping. We’ve had hasps and locks ripped from doors; a window broken; full gasoline cans stolen; and the list […]
Susanne Bacon’s 5th Wycliff Novel Visits with Ghosts of the Past
While assessing the inventory of an old villa, Izzy Watson, the Wycliff museum’s part-time curator, wonders who is leaving vintage jewelry on her doorstep. This is the beginning of my fifth novel in my series centered on the fictitious South Puget Sound Victorian small-town of Wycliff. Or is it? Because “Haunted Homes” – that is […]