Nothing spells mid-summer as boisterously as a berry coming in all kinds of shapes and sizes, but is mostly known for its red and its tangy-sweet flavor, the tomato. As a child, I wasn’t really keen on it; I belonged to the cucumber fraction rather. But today, I wish I had cherished those summer nights […]
Letter: Watering the flowers
Sometimes my granddaughter of now nearly eight months will help me water the flowers on our porch. It gives me yet another reason to hold her. Occasionally she’ll accompany me to get the mail but mostly it’s the flowers. Sometimes we’ll use the sprinkling can since that takes longer and gives us a chance to […]
Westside Story – Be a Good, Bad Neighbor
I recently analyzed a portion of my life-history only to discover that while living in my current home the past 42 years I have had neighbor relationships with 21 different neighbors with old neighbors moving out and new neighbors moving in. We have always enjoyed great relationships with our neighbors or at least appreciated a […]
Westside Story – 1-2-5-3
Official Coffee Drinking Partner & Editor – Jimmy Howe at TCC. Having read only this much of my column, you might already be asking, “What does Joe’s title, Westside Story – 1-2-5-3, mean?” Let me try to explain. My sister, Peg, (Note: Not to be confused with Peg, who is the wife of The Suburban […]
Letter: “You can thank my parents for that”
He was standing in front of the cash register at our place of business from which I’m often gone that being because we just have a lot going on and, despite the beautiful weather, I’ve got things to do elsewhere. “This is for yesterday since you weren’t here, and today.” Fishermen, which this fellow is, […]
Letter: Gig Harbor is going to the Olympics
Got a call this morning from my brother Alan. His voice broke. He was emotional. Been up all night. On the other side of the world, Szeged, Hungary, at 2:30 A.M. our time, this August 24, Nevin Harrison, who trained at Gig Harbor the last seven or eight months or so, who is from Seattle […]
Susanne Bacon Reads at the Topside Coffee Cabin
Why does somebody in Wycliff deposit vintage jewelry in the museum curator’s front yard? How can that very same small museum accept a huge inheritance of exhibits without going bust either in space or debt? And what does the Topside Coffee Cabin in Steilacoom have to do with all of this? Why don’t you come […]
Across the Fence: Riding the Rails
This year began with a promise my husband and I gave each other: to explore new things and to leave off revisiting those we know fairly well already. The other day we were looking into some special things to do with a young adult, an activity that would mean experiencing something new together. We did […]
Letter: The Best and the Brightest
Recently we added a beautiful little, older but carefully maintained, boat and motor to our rental fishing fleet. Already we’ve rented it out twice and only to the best and the brightest – true fishing aficionados – as evidenced just this morning. Out of all the boats (row, or boat and motor with 3.3 Merc, […]