My daughter knows this great fellow, named Eric, who holds the title Son-In-Law, my Son-In-Law, and he is my friend too. Eric is brilliant. Of course, he is smart, as is evidenced by the fact that he married my daughter. Readers, please do me a favor. Whatever you do, do not ever tell Eric his […]
Westside Story – Sticky Topic
Can you believe it? It is now 2020. I began writing Westside Story columns back in 2010. This probably means Publisher Ben Sclair is shuffling down to Diamond Designs Unlimited to order my diamond-studded The Suburban Times 10 year pin right now. Writing Westside Story has been a lot of fun, but it is a […]
Across the Fence: Ground and Shapely
Have you ever been to Hamburg, Germany? It’s a lovely city! Why, though, is it the namesake of a meat patty between two halves of a bun, accompanied by all kinds of other toppings? And what makes it so different from a meatloaf/mock hare, meatballs/Klops, and Bouletten/Frikadellen when they are all made from ground meat? […]
Letter: State access to your baby – over 30,000 say no
It’s time now to express your opinion to the decision makers. Here’s the link to House Bill 1771. And here is the link to comment. From Oregon to Canada and both sides of the Cascades; from across the nation and even the world, tens of thousands oppose State of Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s plan to […]
2020 Lakewood First Lions Club Crab Feed and Dance
It’s that time again to think about purchasing tickets for the Lakewood First Lions Club 7th Annual Crab Feed and Dance sponsored by Heritage Bank and CHI Franciscan. WHEN: 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 25th, 2020 WHERE: Sharon McGavick Center – Clover Park Technical College COST: $60 per person (Chicken for alternative choice) WHY: Great food, dancing to the […]
Across the Fence: Collections or Stuff?
Have you ever been to an estate sale? Have you noticed how much stuff, if not to say clutter in some of these homes has accumulated over a lifetime? Now everything is for sale, even rolling pins without handles and boxes filled with rusty nails, old manuals and shot glasses from travel destinations. And everything […]
Westside Story – Close To Evil
This Westside Story features several photos from my 12,000+ eclectic photo collection. By themselves, when arranged in a particular order, the selected photos tell a story. Some of the images may be familiar to you, and some are being shown for the first time. I structured this story by laying out the photos first, followed […]
Bacon’s Double Take – Piano in the Park
Do you have specific memories of moments of a stunned double take? The kind when your jaw drops, and you blink and pinch yourself and look again? You bet I have, and one of the most curious kinds happened not too long ago. Quite a few of you might know by now that one of […]
Boyle's Double Take – Piano in the Park
During a recent coffee shop gathering at Topside Coffee Cabin, two elements were present making the meeting somewhat Ernest Hemingway-like. Present at the table were two writers and two drinks. Susanne Bacon, a published, internationally known author teamed up with Joe Boyle, an internationally unknown wannabe author who is only famous at Topside Coffee Cabin. […]