Though we are living in a bizarre world these days, there is absolutely no reason we cannot escape to happier places. And even though traveling has become somewhat restricted, you can always mind-travel. To happy places. Such as my little fictional town of Wycliff on the South Puget Sound, “somewhere between Olympia and Seattle”. Some […]
Westside Story – Social Distancing
You know me. I love hanging out with inventors and other high performing creative intellectuals. Just this morning, I crossed paths with Zabrina Austin. Zabrina has always proved to be a fountain of creative ideas. Zabrina, recognizing that public officials recommend protecting society by practicing a new concept called social distancing, got to thinking about […]
Across the Fence: Habits – Virus or Not
As I’m writing this, it’s the first Wednesday after restaurants, bars, and other leisure time businesses had to close their doors until further notice. Only it feels almost like a weekend. Because my husband is home – but he is teleworking. And his working inspires me to work on my “stuff” even more. I have […]
Letter: Clover Park School District Board unanimously opposed to Sex Ed
In a letter dated March 18, directed to Gov. Jay Inslee, the individual members of the CPSD Board signed their names in objection to ESSB 5395 asking Gov. Inslee in turn not to sign this bill. Calling the Comprehensive Sex Education bill a maze of “unfunded and volatile curriculum” the school Board of Directors urged […]
Westside Story – Flush Before You Brush
Professionals, while book smart, are not always street smart. Some professionals lack common sense, and they can be out of touch with average citizens, like us. Take dentists, for example. I cannot believe what some dentists are recommending to the public. They want you to keep your toothbrush 6 feet away from your toilet. Six […]
Westside Story – Life-Saving COVID-19 Precaution
My son-in-law, who is a Phi Beta Kappa, uses his smarts to know something about everything. Why just the other day, he sent me a copy of his blueprints for his patented design of a brand new cutting edge life-saving Covid – 19 precaution device. Using the instructions he included in his how-to hide from […]
Letter: Sex Ed topic of Clover Park School Board
The School Districts of Peninsula, Othello, Mead, Omak, and Spokane have reportedly objected to – or written formal letters of concern about – the controversial Comprehensive Sex Education bill, addressing their respective positions to Gov. Inslee who is expected to sign SB 5395 into law. The Clover Park school board has added a special meeting […]
Across the Fence: Razor Clamming
Have you ever tasted one of the specialties from the Pacific Coast in Washington State? Razor Clams? Ah, if you are into seafood, you will LOVE them – they are sweet, clammy, and big, juicy and chewy, and utmost fun from start to finish. Start as in digging and finish as in eating. If you […]
Letter: Clover Park School District?
Will the Clover Park School District Board (CPSD) take a similar position as the Mead School District in Washington per their letter to Governor Inslee requesting he veto the controversial Sex Ed bill? From The Ruth Institute: “Some of the approved curriculum is so graphic legislators couldn’t quote it in proceedings without getting ‘gaveled’ or silenced. […]