The world is changing and quickly too. As I get closer to my 80s, I can’t keep up.
Have you noticed, phone booths are nowhere to be found. They have been replaced with itty bitty phones we can stuff in our pockets.
Everyone, wanting to be different, is becoming more the same as they race to cover their bodies with tattoos.
Folks, not satisfied with the number of body holes they were born with, are drilling new holes into their bodies to hang metal objects from, which makes it increasingly difficult to pass through the airport’s metal detector.
These are only a few of the changes. Did I mention the blue hair craze?
It had to happen eventually. I, for one, cannot believe it. Borrowing an old idea, Starbucks has come out with what is certain to become the latest popular craze. It may not replace the blue hair craze, but I am confident customers will be clamoring to be first to get in on this hip action. Check out the sign displayed on a Starbucks coffee shop window.

As the sign plainly states, you can order a head and pay for it with the Starbucks app.
One caution. Do not order a head in the state of Idaho. Ordering a head violates the cannibalism law in Idaho. None of the other 49 states have specific cannibalism laws to make ordering a head illegal.
You have to admit, the window sign helps prove I did not make this up.
Hey, wait just a minute. I wonder if I got the sign all wrong. Maybe I read too much into the the sign, “order a head”. Yea, I wonder if Starbucks is getting into toilet sales.
Another distinct possibility is Starbucks is bringing back a new and improved pay toilet which customers can reserve by ordering a head. You do not need to carry change for the pay toilet because you can pay with your Starbucks app.
It certainly is a sign of the times.
I’m 76 and I haven’t seen a pay toilet since I picked my dad up at the bus station.
I rest my case. The world is changing.
Joseph Boyle
If this new Starbucks cannibalism craze catches on, Starbucks has plans to expand their innovative retail giant program. In addition to ordering a head, customers will be able to order other parts.
Because the coffee company uses the word BUCKS in their name, it will not be a surprise if an expansion in their cannibalism program costs customers an arm and a leg.
Joseph Boyle
Joe, You crack me up and in these days that’s what we all need more of.
Thanks for commenting. I am pleased to know I helped at least one reader have a laugh this morning before watching the world news.
Joseph Boyle
Ok ? thanks for the laughs!
I think they still have pay toilets in Europe….actually it is a “tip” you pay to the toilette attendant…at least that’s what I recall after 3 tours in Europe w/the US of Army.
Oh yeah….more on toilets in Europe.
The roadside, including freeways (a.k.a. known as autobahns or autoroutes over there), is a fave place for a quick “liquid dump”. We have seen cars pulled over with all of the occupants outside the vehicle w/their backs to the road, freely providing liquid amendments to the soil. Ladies lift up their dresses enough to “clear the path” and squat slightly.
In France many “multi-deposit” public toilets are in a small room or edifice that has a single hole in the concrete floor. On either side of the hole are two slightly depressed “shoeprints”. Now, you can place your feet in the shoeprint-form facing in either direction…depending on what kind of deposit you need to make. Of course these privies are multi-gender.
In Europe, indoor public urinals for men are usually long stainless steel containers with constantly running water…enough space for 5+ “providers”. Outdoor public urinals for men are the same, except they are outside and they may or may not have a simple brick wall between them and the rest of the non-peeing public. These kind of public “opportunities” to relieve oneself are frequently near public, outdoor markets.
In Germany some public toilets are very similar to what we might call outhouses…although, they are very clean and well-maintained. Normally made of wood they usually feature seating for two. Hence, the term NULL, NULL is used to describe them…you know, Zero, Zero….0, 0. So, you might overhear someone saying, “Excuse me, I need to visit the NULL, NULL.”
Now, of course, most public restrooms in Europe are quite modern, but when you start to get out into the “countryside” things get very interesting.
Mr. Eric Chandler,
I would say between the two of us, anyone reading my Westside Story and your thorough and detailed treatise on foreighn relief options, should consider themselves fully prepared for foreign travel.
Thanks for commenting.
Joseph Boyle
Well, thank YOU kind sir.
I absolutely enjoyed reminiscing about our lavatorily challenging experiences on t’other side of the “Big Lake” on the Eastern-end of the “Land of the Big PX”.
Oh…wait, I forgot to cover our first experiences with a Bidet in Paris………………… :>)