Did you see the Associated Press, Police 1 Bizarre Beat article detailing a story about a man who snatched a tip jar after applying for a job at the victim business? On August 26, 2020, an employee of the PIzza D’Oro in North Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, reported to police that a man stole the tip jar […]
Westside Story – The Great Escape
My story today is about a prison break at the Gwinnett County jail in the state of Georgia. The photo below is of the six prisoners who escaped. To avoid judging the six prisoners too quickly and too harshly, allow me to provide some additional facts. Before providing the promised facts, this is an excellent […]
Letter: Ditto the daisy
She had purchased a pack of miscellaneous seeds for a dollar. Suddenly, overnight seemingly, a Jack-and-the-Beanstalk sequel, three sunflowers – as they would turn out to be although mystifying they were initially – burst on the scene, one, even before it blossomed, reaching a whopping 76 inches, above the window. Though five-times shorter than the […]
Westside Story – Cooper's Hawk
One of the things I enjoy doing with Westside Story is sharing life’s marvels, beauty, acts of kindness, positive human relations, and upbeat stories. My sister, Peg, is an active and accomplished commissioned photographer. Peg sends me photos of wildlife and other specimens of nature whenever she captures something of interest and beauty with her […]
Westside Story – US Naval Observatory
This coming November 2020, I will have contributed Westside Story columns to The Suburban Times for ten years. Have you ever noticed I have never, not even one time, written an article about our US Naval Observatory? You can probably guess why that is. I am always looking for the funny. I have always shied […]
Westside Story – Superhero Solution
My Westside Story posted earlier titled Westside Story – Superhero, ended on a defeated note. I would have written a more upbeat ending, but I saw no way out of a national tragedy, the disappearing phone booth predicament. At first it appeared that no phone booths meant no more Superman as a superhero. Just as […]
Across the Fence: Rain
As I’m writing this, it is Sunday afternoon. It feels like an early fall day already. It’s brown meadow season with bright blue skies, hardly a cloud, eye-popping flower colors, and a mellowness of air that betrays that the hottest days this year are over. My head feels dizzy, and I’m looking at Mt. Rainier […]
Oktoberfest NOW!
Okay, so it’s a virtual one, https://webtoberfest.com/ – but it has so much to offer. Fassanstich (the opening of the first keg) happens this Saturday at 9 a.m. PST, and you can join the fun through October 30. Just sign up online – the entire Webtoberfest, as hosts Angela Schofield (blogger of All Tastes German) […]
Westside Story – Superhero
Contributor – Melvin R. Van Iderstein, Jr. Covid-19 is overrunning us as it totally weaves itself in and around every facet of our lives. Staying in place and quarantining ourselves does have the benefit of providing us with the opportunity to contemplate the issues of the day. One of my loyal readers, Melvin R. Van […]