Submitted by Susanne Bacon. I must have been four or five when a small traveling circus came to our suburb in Germany. It set up its one-ring tent in a meadow next to one of our supermarkets, placed their wagons into the back, and handed out leaflets. When my mother took my little brother and […]
State Board to vote on 4 Bachelor of Applied Science degrees
Community and Technical Colleges press release. The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges will meet for its regular business meeting Thursday, Oct. 21 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Board members are expected to vote on final approval of four Bachelor of Applied Science degrees: Clark College’s proposed Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education Preschool […]
Letter: The inequity of “equity” as practiced in Clover Park School District: that’s “equity” in action
Submitted by John Arbeeny. The CPSD “equity policy” has been developed by a “stakeholders” group consisting of nearly 80% of CPSD employees and then approved by the Board. On paper it is supposed to somehow increase academic performance that is near the bottom 1/3 (35%) of Washington State school districts. The policy says a lot […]
CPSD refunds bond, saves taxpayers nearly $6 million
Clover Park School District press release. LAKEWOOD, Wash — Clover Park School District recently refinanced a 2010 bond, an action that will save district taxpayers $5,963,099 million over the next 10 years. Taxpayers will see the savings reflected by lower property taxes. The district took advantage of declining interest rates to issue new debt to […]
Letter: Is This Really Who Lakewood Is?
Submitted by Taniesha Lyons. Dear Voters, The quote below is a comment in the Suburban times written by one of the people who attended the Clover Park school district board meeting and who happens to be a mental health counselor. How one can be a counselor and push back against equity is a whole different […]
CPSD Staff Spotlight: Bus Driver Kelly Hartman
A Clover Park School District story. Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features district bus driver Kelly Hartman. She is in her 30th year driving for the district. She drives 140 miles every day to transport students to and from school. “I love when the kids are smiling or singing together,” she said. “It just makes me […]
25th Annual Fall Safety Day
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. The 25th Annual Fall Safety Day will take place at Station 21 (5000 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood) on Oct. 23 (10 am-1 pm). This will be a drive through event. Each vehicle will be loaded with one pumpkin per child and a bag of goodies.
Letter: Clover Park Voters-Don’t Be Misled-Be Informed
Submitted by Paul Wulfestieg. The Clover Park School Board recently passed the Focus on Equity plan for the school district. The plan was studied and worked on by a group of outstanding educators and parents over many months. The vote of the board was 4 to 1 in favor of approval. The lone dissenting vote […]
Letter: Competence, Homelessness, and Candidate Anderson
Submitted by John Alessio. I want to thank those who took the time to read, and comment on, my October 16 letter in The Suburban Times. There were a number of positive comments. But as I predicted, Schafer’s attackers came out in full force. The depth of ignorrance displayed about CRT and matters related to […]