A Clover Park School District story. Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features Rainier Elementary School technology teacher Theresa Gumpert. She has worked in the district for 17 years and started at Rainier when it opened in 2014. In her class, she teaches students typing and the importance of digital citizenship and safety on the […]
TNT: Firefighters in Lakewood respond to commercial building fire, body recovered
“Firefighters in Lakewood responded to the scene of a large commercial building fire Wednesday morning. A city spokesperson said it isn’t the first time fire crews have been called to the long-vacant property.” Read more at The News Tribune website. Lt. Chris Lawler from the Lakewood Police Department reported… This is an update to our […]
A Staged Reading of A Christmas Carol
Christ Lutheran Church will host a staged reading of A Christmas Carol on Saturday, December 18 at 8 pm. Christ Lutheran Church is located at 8211 112th St SW Lakewood WA 98498. A free will donation will be taken and masks are required.
Lakewood Lodge #2388 Officer Installation
Submitted by Ernie Bodoh. The Grand Exalter Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America, along with Past Exalted Rulers, Past District Deputies to the Grand Exalter Ruler and Past State Presidents of the Washington State Elks Association will install the new officers of Lakewood Lodge #2388 on […]
Lakewood Water District 2022 Final Budget Presented at Dec. 16 Meeting
Lakewood Water District Public Notice. The 2022 Final Budget of the Lakewood Water District will be presented to the Board of Commissioners for review and discussion at a Regular Public Meeting to be held on December 16, 2021, commencing at 3:30 p.m. This meeting will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Consult our website at www.lakewoodwater.org […]
Building fire on Gravelly Lake Dr Wednesday morning
West Pierce Fire & Rescue crews were dispatched at approximately 7:20 a.m. on Dec. 15 to the vacant commercial building just south of Columbia Bank (9600 block of Gravelly Lake Dr.).
12,000+ pounds of food, $14,000+ donated in 2021 Fallen Officer Food Drive
City of Lakewood Police Department announcement. LAKEWOOD, WA – Final numbers for the Fallen Officer Food Drive are in. As of Dec. 14, our totals are: 12,160 pounds of food and $14,185 in donations. LPD and the Emergency Food Network appreciates your continued support of this event, and the families who will be served by […]
Cold temps, slick roads
West Pierce Fire & Rescue Tweet. This is your friendly reminder to please SLOW DOWN. Icy roads and slick conditions are resulting in collisions this morning. Take it slow!
Kid Life 1965-ish; The Flocked Christmas Tree
“Come Liebchen, we’re going to go get a tree. Put on some clean clothes!” She said. It was a declaration, not a statement. She said it with authority. A rare thing, that, the authority thing, especially when it came to a topic that was not generally hers to make declarations about like goin’ to get […]