Submitted by Eric Warn. The Lakewood First Lions Club lost a dear member of their Lion pride several weeks ago with the death of John Fitzpatrick, in the center of the photograph, a well known and highly respected Lakewood contractor who built and renovated many homes in the area. Fitzpatrick was a dedicated Lion from […]
Letter: School Board Meeting Valentine’s Day – A Night to Love Informed Debate
Submitted by John Arbeeny. Two prominent and important actions were taken at the Clover Park School Board meeting this past Valentine’s Day. The issue of District discipline (Policy 3241 “Student Discipline”) had been brought up in a previous Board meeting (10 January 2022) by Director David Anderson based upon some shocking numbers received in a […]
CPSD Promising Future: Miguel Ibarra-Fernandez
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Tyee Park Elementary School fifth grader Miguel Ibarra-Fernandez. Miguel has enjoyed his year so far, and his smile shines through his mask whenever he beams about his class. “I am really happy to have all the classmates that I have,” he […]
Lakewood City Manager’s Weekly Bulletin: Feb. 18, 2022
Lakewood Produces 2021 Annual Housing Report The City of Lakewood offers a detailed report on housing and market conditions every year to spot problems and suggest solutions. The cost of housing is rising – what are the root causes and what can be done about them? One problem is material costs – an invasive insect […]
Vet Clinic, Feb ’22
Submitted by Chas. Ames. Why to keep that Veterans Crisis Line swag handy Lower Your Mortgage Payments with VA How to Create a Account Using Veterans, active duty can take advantage of Public Service Loan Forgiveness… Green Chair Project provide(s) newly housed Veterans with household necessities Dependent of vet duty or service-related injury […]
Good-Deed Doers, Unite
Submitted by Greg Rediske. After all the ruckus getting to Oz and back again, our four intrepid adventurers confronted the famous Wizard. The Tin Man longed for a heart, and the Wizard began his presentation with: “Back where I come from, there are men who do nothing all day but good deeds. They are called […]
Across the Fence: Honing Hand Skills
“Could you sew this up, please?” My husband handed me one of his favorite pieces of clothing the other day, and I handed it back to him – repaired – shortly afterwards. Only then it occurred to me that I had simply used a skill my mother had taught me when I was barely out […]
Lakewood RFQ – 2022 American Lake Park Waterfront Access Upgrades
City of Lakewood announcement. City of Lakewood (City) is requesting statements of qualifications, (SOQ), from firms qualified and interested in providing professional design services, engineering and construction management to assist the City in developing final design and construction documents for shoreline and accessibility upgrades at American Lake Park, located at 9222 Veterans Drive SW, Lakewood, […]
Comcast opens new Xfinity Store in Lakewood
Comcast announcement. Comcast opened a new Xfinity store in Lakewood to meet the growing needs of its local customers, who enjoy testing and learning about the latest technology in a retail environment. Located at 5605 Lakewood Towne Center Blvd. SW, Suite A, Lakewood, WA 98499, the 2,400 square foot store offers Comcast’s industry-leading consumer products and services. […]