Submitted by Greg Rediske.
After all the ruckus getting to Oz and back again, our four intrepid adventurers confronted the famous Wizard. The Tin Man longed for a heart, and the Wizard began his presentation with:
“Back where I come from, there are men who do nothing all day but good deeds. They are called phila-, er, er, philanth-er, good-deed doers!”
I would like to add that back where I come from (which is Lakewood, Washington), we have a whole bunch of good-deed doers, too. So sit right back and I’ll you a tale of good-deed doers.
Bob Zawilski took it upon himself to ask Lakewood Rotary to join in setting up Little Free Pantries (LFP) in Lakewood. Rotary would build the cabinet, install it, and fill it up with food and non-food items for those in need, including folks living out of their car. Like a food bank, but unique in that after the initial stocking of product, it would be up to the community nearby each pantry to donate to the pantry: those that need, take; those more blessed, give. As for the latter, these are “good-deed doers.”
Rachel Mazoff joined Lakewood Rotary around the same time that she discovered Revive Yoga in Lakewood. Rachel went to one of the co-owners of Revive Yoga, Nicole Gates, and suggested that the studio place a box for food collection for the LFPs. Not only did the studio give a wholehearted “yes!” to the suggestion, but they also promoted it by including a donation to the pantry collection box as part of their “bingo” promotion for their customers. The result: several carloads of goodies for the LFPs! And better yet, a whole bunch of good-deed doers got warm-and-fuzzies, knowing they helped their community.
Like the Wizard of Oz, I say to all that helped: “Therefore, in consideration of your kindness, I take pleasure at this time in presenting you with a small token of our esteem and affection. A testimonial.” And a sincere thank you.
Greg, you crack me up!
I’d say it takes one (good-deed doer) to know one Greg Rediske 😉
Very kind of you, thanks.
Mr John Leech, I would have to agree with you.
To know Mr Greg Rediske, he has been a great “Good-Deed Doer” for this large community known as “Lakewood” since the day he started at Idewild Elementary.
Thanks Mr. Rediske. The way Lakewood has come together to support the Little Free Pantries is quite amazing. Between the collections received Revive Yoga, Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Lakewood Presbyterian Church, and Little Church on the Prairie the pantries have been able to collect enough food to help a lot of people.
There is also a Little Pantry in front of the LASA client service center at 8956 Gravelly Lake Dr SW. It is stocked by donations to LASA.