Submitted by John Arbeeny. I attended (via ZOOM) the Clover Park School District Board meeting on 28 March 2022 I was particularly interested in the presentation by Tim Garchow, Executive Director, Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA) about their “Cultural Competency Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (CCDEI) program. CPSD’s discussion of this program was a prior Board […]
Lakewood’s Gravelly Lake Dr and Washington Blvd intersection construction progresses
City of Lakewood announcement. Phase 1 Construction Gas, power and water main utilities have relocated. Crews have installed the curbs and sidewalk around the Gravelly Lake Drive and Washington Boulevard roundabout. Communication relocation is ongoing. There are still five communication poles in the way at the Washington/Interlaaken intersection, one pole at the Washington/Gravelly intersection, one […]
American Lake – Lake Management District No. 1 Advisory Committee Vacancies
City of Lakewood announcement. The City of Lakewood is accepting applications to fill two (2) positions representing the private property owners on the on the American Lake – Lake Management District Advisory Committee. The term of the positions are from June 2, 2022 through June 2, 2025. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the American Lake – Lake Management […]
13th Annual Cops Vs Teachers Returns Raffle Baskets Needed
Submitted by Kiwanis of Clover Park/Lakes Key Club. The 13th Annual Cops versus Teachers Charity Basketball game returns Friday, April 29 to the Lakes High School Gymnasium (10320 Farwest Dr SW, Lakewood WA 98498). Everyone is invited and families are encouraged to attend this great family fun evening. The game will be a donation-only event. […]
West Pierce Fire releases 2021 Report
West Pierce Fire & Rescue social media post. The 2021 Annual Report is now available on our website. Visit for all of the details!
City of Lakewood to improve Springbrook neighborhood park
City of Lakewood announcement. Project Permit Applications have been filed with the City of Lakewood Community and Economic Development Department that includes improvements to the existing Springbrook neighborhood park. Improvements include relocation of community garden, pre-cast concrete pump track, basketball court, loop pathway, off-leash dog area, new picnic tables, removal of invasive plants, native planting, […]
The Lakewood City Council April 11 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Study Session on April 11 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Dock under water at Harry Todd Park
City of Lakewood social media post. One of our Harry Todd Park docks is submerged due to high water levels on American Lake. The water must recede to relieve tension on an underwater chain before we can fix it. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.
Strickland Improves Accessibility for People with Disabilities In Tacoma
Office of Rep. Marilyn Strickland announcement. Lakewood, Washington – Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) secured $3,000,000 in federal funding for the City of Tacoma’s pedestrian accessibility improvements for the federal Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2022. With this funding, the City of Tacoma will be able to construct 400 curb ramps that have been requested by […]