City of Lakewood announcement. Students in grades 9 through 12 are invited to Lakewood’s Youth Summit. The event will gather young leaders to discuss stress, mental health, finances, and career advancement. 2022 Youth SummitSaturday, May 21 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Harrison Preparatory School9103 Lakewood Dr SW, Lakewood, WA 98499Register Here Students will enjoy free lunch, […]
CPSD Promising Future: Vanessa Arenas
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Tillicum Elementary School fifth grader Vanessa Arenas. Next year, Vanessa will transition to middle school, so she is making the most out of her last few months with the Tillicum community. “I love my friends and my teacher, and I feel […]
The Diary of Anne Frank – A Lakewood Playhouse Review
While the childish voice of Anne Frank, played by Simone Jolly, leads us into the story of the hidden warehouse attic, we start our journey into Hell. We know the Frank family and their friends and neighbors will probably not make it through the war alive. Imagine living with your parents, your sister, an unrelated […]
Lakewood Planning Improvements to Wards Lake Park
City of Lakewood announcement. Wards Lake Park is a beautiful natural reserve in northeastern Lakewood. It is home to historic oak groves, natural habitats, a scenic lake, walking trails, and more. It could also benefit from improvements. Visibility is poor in some areas of the park. These become prone to garbage dumping or camping. The […]
The Lakewood City Council April 18 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on April 18 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Vet Clinic, Apr ’22
Submitted by Chas. Ames. How to check your VA claim, appeal, or decision review status online VA’s mobile app offers Veterans convenient access to VA health and benefits Benefits, resources available to Veterans of OIF, Southwest Asia Theater of Operations Veterans stay connected with communications platform What women Veteran-owned business entrepreneurs need to know How […]
Across the Fence: A Double Date
If you check this week’s Friday in your calendar, you will find a rare coincidence. The beginning of Passover and Good Friday are on the same day. For those of you who are not so sure what either is about: Passover commemorates the saving of all Jewish first-borns by the Angel of Death, which triggered […]
Lakewood Weekly Headlines: April 15, 2022
City of Lakewood announcement. City Hosts Open House to Discuss Clover Creek Floodplain with Residents There is a 1% annual risk of flooding that may damage property and infrastructure in Lakewood New data shows a greater risk of flooding in the Springbrook and Hillside neighborhoods, and across I-5. A 100-year flood has a 1% chance […]
Sounder Mariners game day trains April 17
Sound Transit announcement. Seattle Mariners fans can save on travel time, parking and gas by taking Sound Transit’s popular Sounder trains to the Mariners 1:10 p.m. game Sunday, April 17 against the Houston Astros. Special Sounder service is in addition to regular Link light rail, ST Express, and King County Metro service to and from […]