Submitted by Barlow Buescher. I want to express heartfelt thanks to Ben and all who help him make The Suburban Times a valuable resource to our communities. I love starting each day with the edification and sense of community the publication provides.
Letter: On this day – Solstice Passing
By Bob Warfield. Everything vertically exposed to sky or beneath the drip of a single drop is water-iced. It is hazardous under foot or tire even to try walking on the gravel path beyond my back door. Gravel? Nothing in the human realm is moving. Birds flutter to the feeder or skate to a speck […]
Edgrens named to Union University President’s and Dean’s List
Lakewood’s David Edgren was one of 346 students named to Union University’s President’s List. The President’s List includes full-time students who achieve a 4.0 grade point average on a four-point scale. Lakewood’s Sarah Edgren was one of 374 students named to Union University’s Dean’s List. The Dean’s List includes full-time students who achieve a 3.5 […]
A Cold Night in a Warm Theatre – Lakewood Playhouse
Our granddaughter Alex got off work in Puyallup and drove to our home in North Tacoma. We’ve long enjoyed sharing theater productions with our grandchildren. This was a cold day in Pierce County with black ice on the driveway and lots of snow still on the ground with a fierce wind blowing all warmth away. […]
Lakewood gun retailer to pay penalties in high-capacity magazine sales ban enforcement action
Washington State Attorney General’s Office announcement. Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that Lakewood-based WGS Guns will pay $15,000 for intentionally violating Washington’s high-capacity magazine sales ban. This is Ferguson’s second enforcement of the ban. Earlier this month, Ferguson filed a lawsuit against Federal Way Discount Guns. That case is ongoing. These enforcement actions are the […]
Christmas Eve Services at First Baptist Church of Lakewood
Submitted by Phil Roy. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES @ First Baptist Church of Lakewood. Plan now on joining us on Christmas Eve for a special night of carols and celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s a memorable night that you can enjoy with your entire family as you think on the gift that God […]
Across the Fence: Behold the Light
One of the best Christmas memories ever is to come out of the cold into the warmth of home. I remember I had boots with hooks and laces when I was about four or five. They were beautiful and certainly NOT what was in fashion back then. I loved to put them on when it […]
Lakewood City Manager December 23 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) December 23 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Cheers to a New Year with the Tim Hall Band!
Submitted by Susan Berven, Lakewood Elks Lodge #2388. Cheers to a New Year! Come join us for the best party in town … you do not need to be an Elks member. Dance to the Tim Hall Band & SPECIAL GUESTS! Doors open 7pm, Tim Hall Band 9 pm – 1:00 am. $25 per person […]