Oh, the joys for so many tourists in Germany of experiencing the Munich Oktoberfest! Or the Stuttgarter Volksfest, its hardly less popular cousin … And to see more and more visitors dress up in dirndl and lederhosen (the English pronunciation of either is hardly any different from the German one), THE typical traditional German clothing. […]
In the Book Nook with … L.N. Hunter
Author L.N. Hunter from Cambridgeshire, UK, was a software engineer until 2019 but has changed trade since to become a full-time(ish) author, having discovered the pleasure of writing in 2015. His first published short story, “Summer’s Time,” appeared in “Rosette Maleficarium #1” in 2016, and his first novel, the comic fantasy “The Feather and the […]
Across the Fence: Fräulein, Frau, and Herr
“Mein Fräulein” – how many of you know the term and have used it in addressing a German woman in their life? To try out their German, nothing more? Just as saying “Jawohl”, “Prost”, or “Auf Wiedersehen”? Did you know that the term Fräulein (pronounce ‘froy-line, meaning Miss) is on the list of German words […]
In the Book Nook with … Michelle Pelletier
Author Michelle Pelletier from Maryland is working as a teacher. She has been writing on and off for about 20 years but just finished her first book in 2021. It was published in December of 2022. Michelle is a member of Absolute Write, Revision Division, and the Carroll County Writers Group. When Michelle isn’t writing, […]
Across the Fence: Kaffeeklatsch
One term that has it made into the English language as well as has the procedure into American culture is the German “Kaffeeklatsch” (pronounce ‘kuffay-clutch), meaning chatting or gossiping over coffee. It is usually enjoyed in the afternoon, either at a private home or at a café. Unfortunately, the classic café is becoming more and […]
In the Book Nook with … Harriet Arden Byrd
Author Harriet Arden Byrd lives in Arlington, Washington, where she owns a dog walking business. She has traveled widely in vagabond style, often with pack animals or by sledge. She has also been shaped by living all across North America, in Southern Mexico, in the Arctic of Northern Europe, and by traditional indigenous cultures. Yet […]
Across the Fence: Poodle
Who has never heard or seen a poodle? My first longer-time encounter was with a so-called Standard Poodle my American Aunt and Uncle used to have. Charlie was ginormous and gentle, felt ashamed of his looks when he came back from the groomer, and did his best to destroy any fancy accessories on him as […]
In the Book Nook with … E.M. Anderson
Author E.M. Anderson lives in Northwest Ohio and works as an administrative assistant at a university. She has been writing for about 20 years, but her first book, “The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher,” was published only in last April. She has also had short stories published in SJ Whitby’s “Awakenings: A Cute Mutants Anthology” […]
Across the Fence: Bock
Have you ever heard of the German term “Bock”? The beer drinkers among you certainly know it to be a strong, dark lager variant. But why is it called “bock”?! To be honest, I didn’t know this either, except that it is a strong beer. And that, accordingly, Doppel-Bock (“double bock”) must be doubly strong. […]