Every day I read about gun haters blaming guns for shootings in the streets, music venues, churches, and schools. Based on this narrow and defective thinking gun haters continually repeat the phrase, “There ought to be a law.” Most, if not all, suggested GUN CONTROL laws are designed to erode an American’s Second Amendment Rights […]
Selling a 29.8 Million Dollar House with Fiverr and Facebook
A four bedroom, 5,000 sq. ft., completely furnished beach front home on Maui for 29.8 million dollars. I have a Fiverr account and use it to explore unusual marketing ideas. Evidently, I need to widen my view. In case you don’t know what Fiverr is, it allows members to offer goods or services for only […]
Westside Story – Parking Enforcement Fights Scofflaw Parkers
DISCLOSURE: This article compares in readability to the New York Times. While this disclosure sounds lofty and a bit braggadocio, what it means is a 16-year-old 10th grader should be able to read the article. Please proceed accordingly.
Turkey and Nutrient Rich Leftovers
The following article, “Turkey and Nutrient Rich Leftovers,” was written by me and my wife, Peg for the website Live2AgeWell (c. 2013 – Live2AgeWell.com). This last Sunday, the November 11th edition of Parade featured an article called “Best Turkey Sandwiches Ever!” Now, while they sounded good, they needed quite a bit of preparation. The chefs […]
Letter: On this Veteran’s Day, what might have been
“Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.’” So wrote John Greenleaf Whittier in this well-known quotation from his 1856 poem entitled “Maud Muller.”
Westside Story – Senator O’Ban’s Task Force Aims To Save Lives
Senator Steve O’Ban has done it again! Every time I read or hear about Senator O’Ban expressing an opinion, voting on an issue, or taking action, I am always pleased with his high level of intelligence, and I frequently note his efforts seem directed towards benefiting the majority of citizens in our community.
Home from Home: Armistice Day
This Sunday, we remember the end of World War I, Armistice Day. “We” as in those who still remember people who lived through it. Because since then it has been overshadowed by so many wars that seem to have hit closer. And the generation born at the beginning of this century might not even be […]
Too Many Famous and Infamous People
When I was a lad, there were only three main TV channels broadcasting (ABC, CBS, and NBC) across America. In addition, we had two local channels. TV Guide had information on the television shows and articles on shows and actors or musicians. There were hundreds of famous people, that today’s viewers wouldn’t even have a […]
Chief Justice Guy, DL Fowler go Swimming Upstream
Chief Justice Richard Guy (retired) of the Washington State Supreme Court and Larry Fowler ”The Lincoln Guy” discuss the Supreme court in Abraham Lincoln’s time and now when they meet Dorothy Wilhelm on Swimming Upstream. Is the Supreme Court in our time working the way it was intended? I don’t know, but we’ll find out.