“Cactus” had come up in discussion several times over the last month. It was time to check it out. I invited my sister Marsha and her husband Keith to celebrate her birthday. Keith had to work, but our cousin Lavinia joined Peg and me and Marsha for an early dinner. While Peg went shopping for […]
Letter: When you get to where we got
At the farthest reaches of where we rowed this morning the tight puddles left by our paddles stretched it seemed like forever behind our double shell. They were the only disturbance of the mirrored surface, that and the thin vapor-like trail of our boat’s wake connecting as it were the dots we left behind. We […]
Across the Fence: Schnitzel
What do you think is one of Germany’s most popular and diverse traditional dishes? If you come up with chops also known as Schnitzel, you are right. Schnitzel (pronounced ‘shnitsal) simply means “small cut” or “small slice”, but some of you might even have seen “Tellerschnitzel”, plate-sized ones. It always depends on how elegant or […]
Ballerinas, Grace, Degas, and Peggy Doman
While attending Clover Park High School in the early 1960s, I was an avid reader of Playboy Magazine for the articles, the men’s fashion ads, the often featured art of LeRoy Neiman and, possibly, certain photographs that I found appealing. “Best known for his brilliantly colored, stunningly energetic images of sporting events and leisure activities, […]
Westside Story – That's Punny
Did you follow the reader comments connected to my column titled, Westside Story – Too Many Loose Nuts Near Western State? If you did, you witnessed a fair amount of banter regarding my stab at humor. Some readers classified my effort as a pun. Readers enjoyed my joke. Other readers did not enjoy my humor […]
Rufus Ruckus and a New Home for a Labrador
“The sweet-faced, lovable Labrador Retriever is America’s most popular dog breed. Labs are friendly, outgoing, and high-spirited companions who have more than enough affection to go around for a family looking for a medium-to-large dog.” – akc.org/dog-breeds/labrador-retriever/ My cousin Lavinia and her husband, Dr James Hart, finally made the move from Detroit back to her […]
McMenamins Elks Temple Restaurant Review
We arrived just after opening with the glaring August Sunday morning sun blinding me. Once inside McMenamins I was blinded by the opulence. Almost everywhere you look in each room, were interesting fixtures, furniture, paintings, and object d’art. This renovated icon of downtown Tacoma took years to complete, but it was certainly worth the wait. […]
Westside Story – Going Green – Electric Motorcycle
As a kid, my parents brought me up probably much like Don Doman’s parents. Mom and Dad taught me to never brag. I think that pretty much explains why I have never shared with my readers that my high school counselor, Miss Gertrude Hansen, informed me that based on her observations of my skill-set and […]
Westside Story – Too Many Loose Nuts Near Western State
While I am all for being kind to one another, the political correctness phenomenon drives me nuts. Political correctness can really get out of hand, and I actually have found that political correctness often needs political correctness itself, if you know what I mean. Why just this morning while I was telling someone about there […]