Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle You just never know what you are going to see if you keep your eyes open. I was visiting the Starbucks on Steilacoom Boulevard when I happened upon a very unusual collector car in the parking lot. It is a mint condition French 1960 Renault 4 cylinder 4-door. Between […]
Letter: Death by Train
By David Anderson, Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association, president Now that yet another death has occurred by train along Amtrak’s waterfront route, it is fair – again – to raise the question as to the wisdom of moving these trains to the life-congested tracks of Lakewood. Let alone do so without grade separations.
Westside Story – Islander
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle While we do not wish to slander the Islander, 15 of us at Towne Center Starbucks were wondering why the Islander is making a habit of parking this truck facing the wrong way in the drive-through lane at Starbucks. This spot is meant for cars travelling in the opposite […]
Exchanging our Color Crayons for a #2 Pencil
By David Anderson, President – Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association As our grandson prepared for his first day of Kindergarten just a month ago, in contemplation of the Big Event he said to his daddy “Wait! Does this mean I won’t be able to play all day anymore?” Pretty profound question for a six-year-old, one the […]
Westside Story – “Hot Diggity Dog”
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Back in 1959 Pierce County and the City of Tacoma joined forces to build what is still known as the County City Building located at 930 Tacoma Av S, Tacoma, Washington. Many of us make trips to the County City Building for all kinds of reasons including court, public records, […]
Letter: Disposable
By David Anderson, Tillicum That’s my word – and rant – for today, and maybe for a while. At first I thought I’d be writing about comedy but the thread quickly appeared to twist and tighten its way into noose-like tragedy. For example, there’s disposable income – officially defined as “what remains after taxes.” There’s money that […]
Westside Story – A Child Called “It”
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle We live in America, one of the greatest countries in the world. It is then, difficult to understand why we still have children in our country who are verbally, physically, psychologically and sexually abused. The other day I counted 25 customers inside Starbucks. Based on current statistics that suggest 1 […]
Letter: The Spider and its Web
By David Anderson, Tillicum We all have to learn this lesson. Some never do. Our middle grandson is only three. He wanted a sucker from the candy counter here at our place of business. He asked for permission. I said he had to ask his daddy. Whereupon the little guy drug a chair over to the otherwise unreachable – and […]
Westside Story – Julian Calendar
Photos & Story – Joseph Boyle When I wrote my last calendar piece titled “Mutant Calendar”, (September 9, 2012), I promised to double back and share some educational information with you regarding the Julian calendar. For those of you who might not be familiar with the Julian calendar date system, Julius Caesar devised the concept in 46 […]