I have a friend who made it through the entire police hiring process. After a full years worth of time and effort, my friend turned down the offer to become a police officer. Why? In a moment of honesty, he realized he should not wear a badge and gun, because based on a self assessment […]
Letter: Is Lakewood’s Rental Inspection Program (RIP) subject to referendum?
Yes. Three reasons. Reason #1: Lakewood’s rental inspection program does not appear to be included in the list of exceptions.
Westside Story – Who Is This Guy?
Have you ever been out wandering around on the planet when you spot a guy who triggers the question, “Who is this guy?” Every single man, woman and child, has their own life story to tell, but most of us are not given the opportunity to share our story. Being the self appointed raconteur, (story […]
LPD’s Gang Unit to speak at Tillicum meeting, Aug. 4
The Gang Unit of the Lakewood Police Department will be the featured presentation at the Thursday, August 4, 2016 (6:30 P.M.) meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association. The meeting will take place at the Tillicum Community Center, 14916 Washington Ave. SW. Learn more from the Association’s newsletter.
Donate those unused eyeglasses
Looking to donate those eyeglasses you’ve had laying around the house for a long time? Look no further than the Lakewood First Lions Club, which has been collecting and recycling used eyeglasses since 1954. The used eyeglasses collected by the club (more than 6,000 in 2014) are processed and packaged by the Northwest Lions Eyeglass […]
Westside Story – Democracy In Action
On August 1, 2016, at 7:00p I sat in a front row seat to observe Lakewood City Council process their decision related to the Rental Registration & Safety Inspection Program (RRSIP).
Letter: Saving America
There’s of course not enough detergent to clean – much less clothesline to hang – all the dirty laundry that seems an appropriate analogy to describe what’s wrong with the U.S. (and us, for that matter) but here’s just two quick examples from recent headlines: “A former Stanford University swimmer gets a six-month jail sentence […]
Westside Story – Mandatory Ignition Interlock Can Solve Lakewood’s DUI Problem
The City of Lakewood’s current proposed Rental Registration & Safety Inspection Program is an idea being considered to solve Lakewood’s slumlord problem. The solution method our city is considering for Lakewood’s slumlord problem can best be described as, INVOLVE & PUNISH EVERYBODY TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. All good landlords, good property managers and good tenants […]
Westside Story – Thank A Cop
I have driven down Gravelly Lake Drive SW past Harold A. Allen Company for close to 5 decades. Hal Allen, second generation owner of Allen Company, was my friend, mentor, and employer when I served Harold Allen Company as an Associate Real Estate Broker and Commercial Manager in the 1970s and 1980s.