Just before being interviewed by KIRO radio this morning, I was told by the caller “You’re about to go live but if you haven’t heard, three fatalities are now being reported.” No, I hadn’t heard.
Letter: All hands – and passengers – on deck, America
It was my then-three-year-old grandson on the phone. Where was his cereal, he wanted to know? Not, ‘good morning grandpa!’ Not, ‘I love you grandpa!’ But did I eat his “Cap’n Crunch”?
Amtrak train schedule through Lakewood
Beginning December 18, Sound Transit says 14 Amtrak trains, at 79 mph, will pass through Lakewood at the following times:
Home from Home: Tranquility
Are you feeling stressed out about running your Christmas errands (and doesn’t the verb “running” already describe the reason so well?!)? About stressed-out people taking it out on others with road rage or nagging in long supermarket lines? Are you hoping to just get the holidays over and done with? Though you really love them […]
Westside Story – Keep Talking
Keep talking…
Lakewood First Lions Club’s 5th Annual Crab Feed set for Jan. 27
Christmas is coming and a great present for family members is a ticket to the Lakewood First Lions Club’s fifth annual Crab Feed at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 27th, at the Clover Park Technical College’s Sharon McGavick Conference Center.
Westside Story – Winter Warmth at Greater Lakes
Christmas Angels, Joan Eisenhardt and Kathy Sweeney, and a fabulous crew of volunteers at Greater Lakes Mental Health Care are up to good again. I said, “Up to good,” not up to no-good.
Tents for Survival, Trade Shows, and Fun
Camping was all the rage in the 1950s. It was a family activity and was affordable. My family would generally go to the ocean (which meant Ocean Shores/Ocean City/Copalis) or Packwood. And I remember once we went “around the loop,” which is what traveling the Washington peninsula from the Tacoma area to Port Angeles to […]
Transporting Christmas
“Why do holiday stories always include transportation? I mean there were even travelers involved in the story of Jesus of Nazareth.” I was talking to myself, of course, but the guy at the table behind me laughed. I didn’t realize I had said it out loud. I turned and looked. A guy in his mid-sixties […]