Lakewood City Council has a noteworthy arrangement in terms of its public outreach. The City has nearly a dozen Advisory Boards. On alternating Mondays the Council often meets with those Boards in a Joint Study session.
Westside Story – Who Pick, You Pick
What should we talk about today? How about… Lakewood City Council’s Rental Inspection Program (RIP)? Homing pigeons? The size and impact of Joe Boyle’s carbon footprint?
Letter: ‘Husbandeth’ – my word for today
The things you discover while on your way somewhere else if but only we take the time. The annual Cambridge–Oxford “side-by-side” rowing race between the two prestigious universities on the 4.2-mile course of the Thames River that flows through southern England was held on March 24, 1937.
The Oreo Solution to Creative Problem Solving
Submitted by Don Doman The commercial starts off with music by Tchaikovsky and three little ballerinas dressed in pink. It’s time for a break. They get out glasses and milk. They pour what milk they have into three glasses and sit down to enjoy Oreos and milk. But, oh my gosh, there’s a problem. The […]
Letter: City election a referendum on Rental Inspection
With the first day of Summer this past June 21 ushering in a heat wave of stifling, muggy temperatures across the country, there’s a sweltering of another kind nationwide that has citizens rather steamed.
Westside Story – Incongruity
I love walking around the planet because you never know what you are going to run into and as you know, I am always looking for the funny.
Golf, Leadership, and Everyday Life
Submitted by Don Doman Each year the Transportation Club of Tacoma provides scholarships to students attending college. As part of the application TCT asks for an essay. This one on leadership was submitted by Kelci Parker. The TCT board of directors picked two essays to share in our newsletter over the summer. As the newsletter […]
Celebrate Independence by Not Gaining Weight on the 4th and Start Dieting on the 5th
Submitted by Don Doman It is estimated that the average person puts on 10 pounds during the holiday season. We eat more often and we eat much richer foods during the holidays, so it is easy to put on pounds without realizing it. Most people think that they don’t have to worry about gaining weight […]
Westside Story – The Fog Has Not Lifted
On August 1, 2016, Lakewood City Council sent a clear message to all renters living in Lakewood by voting for the Rental Housing Safety Program. known as the R.I.P. Essentially the message from Lakewood City Council was, Lakewood renters do not possess enough brain power, energy or courage to manage their own rental housing SAFETY […]