How to Handle the holidays after a big life change is the topic of the new edition of the internet radio show, Swimming Upstream. This week, authors Bonnie King and Susanne Bacon join host Dorothy Wilhelm to talk about how they managed to continue to find hope and the way to a rewarding life after […]
Letter: Soon it’ll be time for New Year’s Resolutions
On the rare mornings now that the sun appears over the top of the hill, the edgings on the stairs – as seen from my desk surveillance camera where I sit, my hands cradling a cup of coffee in order to stay warm in the otherwise unheated office – become silver ribbons, horizontal icicles, shooting […]
Runaway Pills – Problems and Solutions
A week ago I shook a little pill out of its little bottle towards my waiting meaty paw. The pill made a break for freedom. It bounced out of my hand and left for parts unknown. I was sitting in my office chair, so the drop was less than two feet. I have carpet, so […]
Old, Unwanted, and Out of Job
Meet Acer. He and his pals did their job and now they are just unwanted heroes from yesterday. The world has passed them by. Once they could sniff out marijuana on suspects, in packages, or hidden is suitcases. They thought they were making the world a better place, but no. . . now those criminals […]
Ferguson joins Lakewood First Lions Club
Robin Ferguson, center (below), recently became a member of the Lakewood First Lions Club. Welcoming her were Jan McCaffrey (left) and Lynda Jackson. Ferguson is a retired LPN who has lived in Lakewood for the past 27 years.
Home from Home: Castles
Let’s face it: We are all more or less fascinated with castles. In Europe we almost take them for granted. Our ancestors have been exploited during their built. And though the US have managed to break away from aristocracy long before Europeans, there are still quite a few architectural structures that imitate the grandeur of […]
Water Witching, Divining Rods and Sewer Pipes
You can pay as much as twenty-five dollars for one. You can buy them in plastic or in copper. I use a wire coat hanger, but most people prefer a “Y” shaped tree limb. I’m talking about divining rods, or dowser rods. These tools of the water witch help locate ground water, precious stones, and […]
Letter: It’s a good question – what are public officials for?
“The Town Council of Eatonville asked voters to provide direction with a thumbs up or down on retail pot sales,” writes the editorial board (eb) of the Tacoma News Tribune (TNT) in its November 28 edition.
My Jagzda – Black, Sporty and Almost a Convertible
I was driving south on South Tacoma Way and I saw brand new Mazda for an excellent price. I did two illegal U-turns and parked in front of Russ Dunmier’s showroom. The little black Mazda 323 coupe was sitting on the sidewalk. Peg and I had already purchased two new Mazdas. Although she called her […]