Submitted by Susanne Bacon. Have you ever been to the most Northwestern place in the US? I’m not talking as in Alaska, but here in Western Washington. It’s quite a trip to Cape Flattery, in the end takes a walk all in all a bit over one and a half mile’s distance, and culminates in […]
Westside Story – Alley Lunch
As hard as it is to believe, I have never dined at Seattle’s Canlis Restaurant, a top caliber dining spot where the elite gathers to dine and enjoy being entertained. A world famous American pianist, composer, and arranger, Walt Wagner, who is once more based in Seattle, Washington often plays at Canlis. No matter. I […]
It’s Not Too Late To Vaccinate
PLEASE vaccinate your kids. Untreated children can suffer brain infection or pneumonia or put newborns at risk. There are measles cases south and north of us. Ten states have now reported measles outbreaks since the *beginning* of the year. A refusal to vaccinate is hoping for ‘herd immunity’; not much use when all are refusing…
American Lake’s Milfoil topic of TWNA meeting
The February 7 (6:30 pm) meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association will discuss, among other topics, American Lake’s Milfoil matter. Background on the Milfoil matter includes a lake survey and a petition for American Lake waterfront property owners to sign for presentation to the Lakewood City Council to enable a vote for the establishment […]
A Football Farce vs. A Theatrical Farce
I could have been like many Americans and stayed home or gone to a bar to watch the Super Bowl and the half-time program. Instead Peg and I drove to CenterStage in Federal Way and joined fifty other people to see The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940. Believe me, I am not disparaging the size […]
Westside Story – Lakewood Pioneer Joe Boyle Earns Bronze Statue
Back in 1969 when Dr. Aaron’s wife, Emily Aaron, a real estate broker with Properties Unlimited, suggested she knew of a clinker brick duplex for sale in Lakewood, Joe replied, “Lakewhere?” Joe and his wife found their way from their hometown of Puyallup, Washington, to the unknown place called Lakewood without the benefit of GPS […]
Film Review: Streets of Fire
There’s been an interesting development in pop culture in recent years, most notably how a lot of content has been clearly inspired by 80’s culture. You only have to look at TV shows like Stranger Things, movies like Atomic Blonde or It Follows or even an entire modern musical genre like synthwave, which takes direct […]
Your Mommy, To Mama, Umami
Umami or savory is one of the five basic tastes. It is characteristic of broths and cooked meats . . . and somewhere in-between. It sometimes produces an exclamation like, “Whoa? What the heck is that?” I found the answer! The day before I had made Peggy a sausage-mushroom omelet breakfast with one little strange […]
Letter: Monkeying around with tax dollars
Chimpanzees – for “their care, maintenance and transportation, owned or controlled by the National Institute of Health” (NIH) – for the fiscal year 2018 received authorized funding in the amount of $9,400,000 (p.171). That’s $18,650.79 per chimpanzee. And that’s even though the 504 NIH-supported chimpanzees are “no longer useful for biomedical research” according to conclusions […]