Summer’s here. You can tell because every single road seems to be under construction. I-5 is under construction. So is I- 405 and Hwy 16. And for goodness sake, don’t even try to go to Seattle. In the nick of time, DuPont’s Dorothy Wilhelm presents a “Let’s Do Something Fun and Stay Out of Big […]
Private Area Websites Could Benefit Business and Organizations – Lakewood, Tacoma, and University Place
No, Private Areas is not a lowly recruit in the Beetle Bailey comic strip. It’s an important information tool for targeted audiences. A website with a private area generally offers more insight and data to either employees or members than is available to the public. A website with a private area is not always apparent. […]
Westside Story – Father's Day
Father’s Day was over 7 days ago, but I am still enjoying the celebration because I keep reading the three cards sent to me by my daughter and grandchildren. Father’s Day continues to be sizable fun for me because these cards are the best when it comes to sentiment and humor. I have been receiving […]
Across the Fence: The real remote deal
The sun doesn’t have to be out, and it doesn’t even have to be really warm; the only prerequisite is calm air. That’s when my husband packs one of his planes into the trunk of the car and drives out to a venue for other model airplane aficionados, an airfield somewhere in the very scenic […]
Eminent Domain Coming to Lakewood?
Some time ago I heard Major General Bret D. Daugherty speak at the Transportation Club of Tacoma. As the commander of the entire Washington National Guard, including both the Washington Army National Guard and the Washington Air National Guard, he knows about disasters. Quite often our National Guard helps our communities when emergencies strike. General […]
HiJinks Scholarship Golf Tournament
The Transportation Club of Tacoma as given away over $100,000 in scholarships to students in the Tacoma/Pierce County area. The money is raised from our annual HiJinks Golf Tournament. HiJinks Scholarship Golf Tournament TCT’s 39th Annual HiJinks Golf TournamentAugust 7th, 2019 Entry Fee for golfers $150 EachDinner for spectators only $25 Each PACKAGE INCLUDES: Golf, […]
Letter: Keeping out those who don’t belong
Within minutes of my phone call police had arrived. Even though no known guns or drugs were involved. Even though there was no name calling, slamming of doors, or other altercations. After all, the suspects were sleeping. We’ve had hasps and locks ripped from doors; a window broken; full gasoline cans stolen; and the list […]
Susanne Bacon’s 5th Wycliff Novel Visits with Ghosts of the Past
While assessing the inventory of an old villa, Izzy Watson, the Wycliff museum’s part-time curator, wonders who is leaving vintage jewelry on her doorstep. This is the beginning of my fifth novel in my series centered on the fictitious South Puget Sound Victorian small-town of Wycliff. Or is it? Because “Haunted Homes” – that is […]
Westside Story – Do You Live With A Killer?
This morning when I woke up, like every other morning, I thought I knew everything. But that was before I read an article in The New York Times about a new killer among us. This killer may strike anytime and anywhere, including my or your home. The killer is the new silent cutting-edge technology of […]