Father’s Day was over 7 days ago, but I am still enjoying the celebration because I keep reading the three cards sent to me by my daughter and grandchildren.
Father’s Day continues to be sizable fun for me because these cards are the best when it comes to sentiment and humor. I have been receiving mail now for 76 years. Of course, I did not take possession of any Father’s Day cards for the first 29 years of my life, because I was no one anyone could call Dad.
Let me show you one of my cards.
Even if you do not find today’s column fun, you have to admit, this column is shorter than my last column titled, Westside Story – Do You Live With A Killer?, That column ran 1548 words. Today’s column is only 153 words. What are you going to do with all your spare time?
You are a card . . . oops I mean you are right about cards. Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, and just regular birthday cards are generally a key to a memory, or at least a smile and a nod. My wife keeps a treasure box. I usually pin some cards and some photos and sometimes even tickets to a play we both loved onto our memory wall of cork. Drawings and comments from grandchildren always rank high. Nice article.
Your grandchild is following your footsteps. Cool card and isn’t it funny how that works out. Yes what does happen to that generation in the middle.
What to do with the extra time? Get another cup of coffee I guess and enjoy a rare sunny morning this early.
Me, I enjoy great grandchildren. In my spare time I build and decorate bird houses.
Not bad for an almost 92 year old.
With the extra time I’m going to go play 18 holes of golf.
M. Vaniderstine