‘Would you like your monthly credit card statement sent by regular mail, email, or we do have other reminders?’ 🙂
Lakewood First Lions serve as Santa’s Elves
Ever since the City of Lakewood became a city, Lakewood First Lions Club members have been helping coordinate underserved children and their parents being able to visit with Santa Claus during the city’s annual tree lighting ceremony, which was held recently.
Saki Sushi & Grill Review
Peg and I have picked up teriyaki for take out several times from Bonsai Teriyaki in Tacoma’s Westgate area of North Pearl. My buddy Jim stopped over to pick me up for our monthly lunch and chat. Jim drives and I choose the restaurant. I had just read Sue Kidd’s review of Saki Sushi & […]
How Cool is That?
How cool is that? In this busy Christmas shopping season, who gets reserved priority parking, right by the main entrance? Yep, those who drive a pickup. 🙂
Advocates for Immigrants in Detention (AIDNW)
Did you know that Tacoma is home to the 5th largest Immigration Detention Center in the U.S.? Though the U.S. shares the longest international border in the world with Canada, just a few miles from us, it is the border to the south with Mexico that is one of today’s major issues. How is it […]
A Small Weight Lifted
At the end of November a secret Santa paid off dozens of Walmart layaway tabs in New York. In May someone paid off $10,000 in school lunch debts in Maine. In 2014 an anonymous benefactor paid off everyone’s layaway accounts ($24,000) at a Toys R Us outlet. These benefactors aren’t Bill or Melinda Gates. You […]
Home from Home: Pick-up and drop-off
People are talking about how divided this country is, and I see it every day. Not just in a sense of politics – and you know this column was never meant to make any political statements. I find that there is one part of the population who drops off and another who picks up.
Family Evidence
My wife and I have a closet stacked from floor to ceiling with boxes of old photographs. Okay, so they’re not all photographs . . . there are piles of albums and boxes of slides, as well. Some albums have never been opened and some have only a few pages of photos and then blank […]
Money for Nothing and Just a Small Fee
Ellen and Jerry have been retired for some time. Jerry can still do some odd jobs for other seniors for cash. They get by. Near the end of the month they count on Pierce County Meal Sites where they can get a meal for $2.50 to $3.00. Sometimes they have to count their change to […]