Whatever happened to pirate movies? There was a time when pirate movies were everywhere. From the 20’s to the 50’s, we got gems like The Black Pirate, Captain Blood, The Black Swan and The Sea Hound. Not only have these films been well received, but there was a lot of money, star power and effort […]
Letter: Apparently, parenting is making a comeback
If there’s an issue that appears to have piqued the interest – and the ire – of parents it’s Senate Bill 5395 which would require all public schools to implement Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE), middle and high schools by 2020, and down to the Kindergarten level by September 1, 2021. “In all our years in […]
Left-over Lamb Tacos
Left-overs are either something you eat because you already paid for them or they are an opportunity to lift a meal up to a new level of enjoyment. We had some left-over lamb kabobs from a lunch at It’s Greek to Me in Tacoma. A taco is an easy fix for many left-overs. It is […]
Off-Leash Dog Parks
Having a dog, means taking responsibility for your pet. They need to go on regular walks. Dogs are very social. They love to interact with humans and other dogs. They like to explore and exercise. Let them run around on their own in your back yard just doesn’t make it. “Proper exercise is an important […]
The Last Soup of Winter
My favorite soups . . . While traveling to Spain with friends a few years ago, Peg and I had the most wonderful melon gazpacho in Barcelona. The cantaloupe puree with a touch of chicken broth and perfectly pan-fried scallops live on in my mind. One of these days we’ll have to make our own […]
Westside Story – Backwards Dessert & Pie For Breakfast
About 3:00a in the morning last night I woke up in a cold sweat and could not get back to sleep. I have known for some time that my trouble sleeping was being caused by an overwhelming buildup of guilt festering inside me. You see I have two secrets I have kept to myself for […]
Across the Fence: A tower inspires
What does my hometown, Stuttgart (Germany), have in common with Seattle, WA? A landmark. The one in Seattle has long since been competed with by skyscrapers springing up seemingly overnight, these days only clearly visible from the sea. The one in Stuttgart can be seen for miles on end. I’m talking of the Seattle Space […]
Letter: The light in the lighthouse is there for a reason
She was tall, slender, an attractive blond, her hair shoulder length, well dressed. Then she happened to turn around. The left side of her face was brutally blue, and black, the purplish swellings no doubt once having closed off any ability to see diminishing, but still, a once pretty face didn’t, perhaps couldn’t, smile, it […]
Old Stories, Lost Connections, and Disappearing Opportunities
The week before my father died, he told stories I had never heard before. He told about families in turmoil from the great depression and he mentioned as a Lt.J.G. watching from the bridge as torpedoes ran silently toward his oil tanker in the South Pacific during World War II. He told me about renting […]