The Book Doctors is a sort of Zoom Appetizer Tray of help and information for writers who are ready to become published authors in the most efficient way possible.
Guest experts this month are a bestselling inspirational writer, a business strategist, and a Book Doctors regular, Susanne Bacon. Authors panel:

Allen Klein – His newest book, The Awe Factor is on track to be a bestseller. Allen will talk about his process for writing 30 books. He says publishers just seem to fall in his lap. I want to hear about that.

Cathy Fyock – Business Book Strategist. Cathy offers workshops and retreats for writers. She’ll present strategies for Talking Back To That Negative Voice that keeps us from writing.
Susanne Bacon – regular Book Doctors panel member and Suburban Times contributor, has so far created 25 books of memorable fictional characters. She will give tips for working with Amazon.
Although The Zoom Book Doctors present short sessions, every one of our presenters are experts with many books to their credit. The individual sessions are short but many of our experts offer continuing education and workshops. Also, don’t forget to send in your questions about projects you are working on right now, and we’ll find an expert to answer it for you.
Make reservations for the next Book Doctors Session, February 4 at 2 pm Pacific Time by going to and send questions and ideas to
Actually, it’s only 18 books I have under my belly. Ten in German, eight in English. I’m working on number 19 these days and its translation into number 20 this year.