A Public Disclosure Request for “all emails and correspondence and board meeting minutes related to Paul Wagemann’s alleged ‘crack the whip’ comment” netted 86 emails that are carbon copies.
In these mass-produced emails that supposedly find School Board Director Paul Wagemann’s “crack the whip” comment “racist and absolutely unacceptable,” there is only one difference that distinguishes every single one of these emails: the name of the one signing and sending it.
Otherwise, every single one of the 86 emailed letters to the Clover Park School District are exactly the same.
Suggested what to believe, the signers evidently believed it. Suggested what to write, the signers wrote it.
Every comma, every period, every letter and every word are exactly in the same place in every single one of the 86 emailed letters to the school board.
Talk about intellectual lemmings! This is a perfect example of coordinated groupthink.
Though the signers had the opportunity to do their homework – to investigate the charges; to inquire as to context; to exert even minimal effort so as to demonstrate even a modicum of intelligence – 86 appear as mouth-breathing zombies, regurgitating the party line.
And whose party line might that be?
The first person pronoun is used in all 86 emails – as if to convey that the writer was personally outraged, personally offended and personally disgusted by Wagemann’s “crack the whip” comment.
So, it was personal then?
One is forced to wonder if the signers – presumably citizens and educators – have been unwittingly manipulated, unsuspectingly duped, deviously conned into complying with this concerted act of character assassination.
Would the leaders of the Clover Park School District board care to comment about the origins of these 86 emails that contain exactly the same message?
David Anderson,
Yours is an excellent effort to seek the truth and true morality.
The mouth breathers scream that Paul Wagemann is a racist and hater when as the truth becomes known if appears that the complainers are the real haters doing exactly what they accuse Mr. Wagemann of. Another conspiracy to stomp a white man dedicated to helping kids; all kids.
The 86 mouth breathing blind mindless followers should consider 86’ing their hate mission and stand behind Mr. Wagemann as he cracks the whip to help all students achieve success.
Joseph Boyle
I have a question, who ever came up with the idea that the phrase “Crack the Whip” is racist? I have heard that phrase most of my life and never considered it anything to do with race.
I went to 6 different dictionaries the Urban dictionary included. None of them had anything about race. Its origins apparently was in the 1600’s during the wagon trains and trying to make the horses go faster, nothing about slavery. I think there needs to be less woke people in our system and more plan common sense.
Ron Irwin
You are absolutely right Ron. How about Aunt Jemima syrup? Uncle Ben’s Rice? Those items are not racist to all the black people I know and I know a lot of them. Of course they are educated blacks and that might make the difference.
When reading the Declaration of Independence I noticed that each person signing used the same document down to the last period. Does this imply that they were manipulated or duped or conned into signing it? Each person not changing a word or two or even a phrase does not, to me, indicate a lesser
level of truth to the statement or sincerity of belief. It is the use of a word or phrase not it’s origin that determines racists tones. Wagemann applied the term to humans as a means of obtaining better or more work out of people. In the US this was routinely done to Black slaves. And so it is easily considered racist today. Paul Wagemann, like myself is a white male, born in the mid 1900’s, former military officer and cannot have escaped the systemic rascism in which he was raised. Whipping kids to help them do or be better has not been acceptable for many years now.
“Whipping kids to help them do or be better has not been acceptable for many years now.”
But that is not the reference Wagemann made.
Stay tuned to a follow-up article where, thanks to a taped recording of the minutes of the school board of December 21, Paul explained his meaning and the context in which it occurred.
The school board however, while including every other school board director’s comments at that meeting, excluded Wagemann’s in the official minutes.
The Declaration of Independence was created by a committee of 5 assigned by the Continental Congress. The signers spent several days reviewing and amending it prior to signing.
The difference here being personal involvement and thought of the signers; not one comment attempting to appear as representing the considered opinion of many.
I have known Paul Wagemann for several years to be a fearless, kindhearted lion as an advocate for promoting a model of sensible excellence for the Clover Park School District. Paul’s record of selfless service to his community and his determined “roll your sleeves up and get to work” ethic has for many years represented balance and moderation reflected in the high caliber of educational standards and policies that are the hallmark of CSPD.
I am loathe to indulge those “Cancel Culturists” who prefer to expend their energy finding fault rather than contributing to the solution. The notion of “Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell out of the Way!” might well be served to the “e-lemmings” who have nothing better to do than forward a form letter (that they, in all likelihood, didn’t even bother to read)!
Paul Wagemann deserves our praise and appreciation for his hard work and steady hand. I, for one, now do so: “Thank you, Paul!”
Thank you David for some truth in the age of misinformation. Mr Cloud’s piece about the Declaration of Independence is the best example of a red herring I’ve seen in some time. How many of those brave signers lost everything, to include their lives to promote the idea of liberty.
Those 86 ‘cut and pasters’ added their names to tear one man down, without even knowing the man. Too bad, and example of Post Modernism thinking at its finest. Emptiness leading to narcissism. This pablum should be scrubbed from all curriculum.
My experiences with Paul has left me in total admiration. I hope to be like Paul when I grow up.
Jordan Burroughs (Olympic Gold Medalist & 4-time World Champion in wrestling) was on the Joe Rogan podcast recently. They were talking about raising their kids, and Jordan said, “I tell my son ‘Be disciplined, or Be Disciplined’.” He said his pastor told his congregation the same thing.
My interpretation of Paul’s intent is that he sees incredible potential in each and every student at CPSD, but life is hard. Get busy. We expect more out of you. The world needs you at your best. There is more inside of you.
Did anyone of those 86ers ever play sports? Have they never had a coach push them, demand more from them?
Those 86 folks want to build victims, not bold, courageous, independent men and women. It is so misguided.
Intent matters. The willingness to feel offense at everything, to seek out the worst possible interpretation in anyone’s speech is a sign of moral cowardice and projection of how the ‘victim’ truly sees the world.
People’s subjective experience can and should be heard, but that does not make it true.
This is the type of piling-on that makes one not want to be involved in the public process. I believe that to be the intended purpose.
We all have to choose how to devote our precious time.
Without civil discourse, it devolves into group think and seperation.