Last night I was rattled from sleep twice – a helicopter was circling over-head. Circling helicopters in our neighborhood are never a good sign. The last time one was around for over an hour was when somebody was shot close to our neighborhood, and one of the Seattle news channels had sent their reporter team. […]
Using Walls as Your Canvas
Sometimes you can see the writing on the wall. You can stop and think about what it means, and other times you can simply enjoy the paintings you see and dream. Archaeology reveals that cave paintings and figures of art first appeared nearly 40,000 years ago. Art is still with us. Our daughter Andrea painted […]
Lakewood, Your Home Is Not Yours
Brady Louwein is a tall 60-year-old strapping home renovator. He is soft-spoken and you will never hear him curse, a smile comes to him easily. He attends church every week and even took in a fellow churchgoer, well past 80, when they had nowhere else to turn. Brady has a social disability, so he has […]
Westside Story – Sheriff Fajardo
Okay, okay, I admit it. My headline is not accurate… at least not yet. By the time my title, Westside Story – Sheriff Fajardo, becomes the real thing, Pierce County citizens will have made a positive history-making choice. Voters will have elected a highly qualified individual who will also be our first female Pierce County […]
Letter: Father's Day – the gift of time
I checked my watch to see if it was indeed time to wake up. I hoped it wasn’t, but light streaming through the window said otherwise. My watch, however, as to informing me of anything that was its job to do, had gone totally bonkers. Date and time were intermittently flashing, with both having returned […]
We’re in Phase 2! Here’s Pierce County restaurant dining rooms open NOW
We’ve been waiting for what feels like an eternity, but Phase 2 for restaurant dining is finally here, announced this morning by Pierce County. This is the phase when restaurants in Pierce County can once again offer in-person dining inside their actual, real live dining rooms. That doesn’t mean every restaurant is open. It just […]
Steilacoom High School Virtual Graduation During our Pandemic
My son Del and I video taped graduation at the University of Puget Sound for ten or twelve years. Del ran camera while I looked for interested shots. We had a riser right in front of the clock at the grandstand. We taped in the rain. We taped in the hot sun. We taped on […]
Letter: No more paper plates, now what? Thoughts on navigating through life
A couple friends went on a hunting trip out-of-state, arranging to meet another of their friends who, in turn, would secure the primitive area camp site none of whom had ever been to. Being a good distance, it was not until quite late that the supposed turn onto the somewhat obscure road began. Since cell […]
Film Review: Red Sun
Have you ever discovered a movie that you didn’t know existed, and you curse yourself for not knowing about it sooner? I had that experience with Red Sun. Two of my favorite actors, Charles Bronson and Toshiro Mifune sharing the spotlight in a spaghetti western? Sign me up! How has this movie eluded me for […]