South Hill residents, you’re getting a cidery taproom this summer. Fierce County Cider, the three-year-old South Hill based cidery is expanding to a taproom at 9918 162nd St. Ct. E., which is across from Thun Field. If it seems like there’s a lot going on locally for cider, that’s true. Last month, I wrote about […]
Across the Fence: In(ter)dependence
Fourth of July – what a memorable day! The United States celebrate their independence from the British crown. No taxation without representation. The Boston Tea Party, which wasn’t a party at all, set off the revolution against the British on December 16, 1773 and turned the trend in American beverages to coffee. No kidding. The […]
Letter: “A ship does not sail with yesterday’s wind”
The quote is from Louis L’Amour’s “The Walking Drum.” ‘I have heard of your family name,’ the burly, red-haired ruffian shackled to the oar next to this newest galley slave said, “but what of you?’ From the “enthralling lands of the 12 century”, to July 2, 1863, to today, it’s a good question. “What of […]
With summer events canceled, this might be your only hookup for an elephant ear
Summer’s canceled. Or that’s how it feels right now. Concerts, festivals and fairs. We won’t be enjoying those this summer. But you know what’s not canceled, for at least three weekends? Elephant ears, Krusty pups and Fisher scones. Throughout July, diners can feast upon all those devilishly caloric and gut busting fair treats in a […]
Westside Story – Fajardo For Sheriff Reason #7
Cyndie Fajardo (pronounced faa har doe) is running for Pierce County Sheriff. There are many reasons to vote for Lieutenant Fajardo. Reason #1 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is because of Lieutenant Fajardo’s and her family’s long involvement with LAW ENFORCEMENT and PUBLIC SERVICE, dating back to 1886. Reason #2 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff […]
The Main Ingredient opening in Tacoma’s Stonegate Pizza space. (Hint: NY style pizza)
Coming soon to South Tacoma Way is The Main Ingredient, a combo pizzeria and breakfast spot operating in the same space that formerly housed Stonegate Pizza. The restaurant comes from Leland and Cristina Brechbiel, who are newcomers to owning a restaurant in Tacoma, but not newcomers to the restaurant world. The Arizona transplants have restaurant […]
Run, run, running with Dave Matzen
Marathon Runner, Realtor, Scout Leader of Boy Scout Troop 248 and Foster Parent to Dozens of Kids An endurance runner’s heart becomes substantially larger than normal over time. Marathon runners’ hearts may be half-again as large. As I recently learned more about Dave Matzen, I am convinced that his heart is even bigger than that. […]
It's Not All Bad News on the Internet
The pandemic, mandatory masks, the environment, Joe Biden selecting his running mate, monuments being torn down, protest and unrest while President Trump golfs, revelations, statistics, and death are wearing me down. Luckily I found some good news. On my Facebook page I alternate family news, information on my favorite non-profit organizations, theatre happenings, a few […]
Costella’s, an Italian restaurant and market, is opening in South Hill
When Costella’s opens in South Hill, it’ll provide a little something for everyone: an Italian restaurant, deli counter, market and wine bar. All in one location. Mike Rubel is the building owner and also the creator of Costella’s. Expect a summer opening for the restaurant, but what that looks like and when will be determined […]