What’s the difference? And how is the church today being led astray? Apart from the obvious – frogs hop between lily pads, sheep wander between pastures – as to metaphors there’s not a lot of difference. A frog, so the experiment goes, will jump out of a pot of boiling water but if placed in […]
Dolly Parton – One for the Books . . . and COVID:19
The first time I really paid attention to Dolly Parton was when she appeared on the Johnny Carson Show. She just reached behind the couch and pulled out a guitar and sang. No tricks, no boost, just her voice and the guitar. That’s talent. I like when she talks and jokes about her family. She […]
Condensed Anything and An Addendum
On November 25, 1884, Henri Nestlé registered the Nestlé trademark for condensed milk. I don’t care. I don’t like condensed milk. I never liked the Readers Digest condensed books, either. If authors wanted to write shorter books, they would have written them with fewer words or pages. Do people ever go into a restaurant and […]
Letter: When To Say “No”
Just before midnight this Thanksgiving Eve, the United States Supreme Court ruled 5-4 blocking New York Governor Cuomo’s restrictions on religious services. LifeSiteNews is hailing the decision as a victory for First Amendment rights. I disagree. Ironically, the One Year Bible reading for this Thanksgiving Day includes the account of Daniel and friends who refused […]
Across the Fence: Left-overs
Yesterday was Thanksgiving – one of those feasts when a lot of people have way too much food on their table and way too many left-overs. I remember when I made a whole turkey for the first time, and we were only three eaters. I had turkey left-overs for ever so long, and not being […]
A New Spirit and Hope for Our Future
At the tail end of four years of immigrant hatred, I came across a story of the American Dream that speaks to all of us . . . and gives us hope. I was captured by the graduation photo of a West Point cadet from 2016. The photo and the story was recently published on […]
Two Special Holiday Zoom Events Will Brighten the Long Cold Days
Psychologists are telling us now that loneliness is one of the primary problems we all have to deal with during this Covid season. Thanks, Doc. We hadn’t noticed. Anyway, to avoid a long lonely miserable Yule, two fun, funny yet touchingly useful events are being planned. #1 – Zoom Coffee and Chat – this bi-weekly event […]
Sunny Outlook for Commercial Real Estate if the Gloom Lifts?
I was chatting with my youngest son the other evening and and he mentioned several condos and business buildings available in downtown Tacoma. Some sounded like re-listings. Perhaps there is a new and hopeful attitude growing about business property in the Pacific Northwest. I decided to nose around. While looking on Loopnet.com for news concerning […]
Westside Story – Joe Boyle Admits Crack and Weed Problem
Long time Lakewood resident of over a half a century, Joe Boyle, admits he suffers from a crack and weed problem. It has been going on for years without anyone knowing. Even the Lakewood Police have never discovered Joe’s crack and weed problem. There does not seem to be any long term fix in sight. […]