The hours of operation for Kimberly’s Cafe are Monday 7am-3pm, Tues-Thurs 7am-8:30pm, Fri-Sat 7am-9pm and Sun 7am-3pm. A previous post reported them incorrectly. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
To Ponder
Letter: Going Home
There’s something significantly special about the mere mention of home at this time of year that strikes an empathetic cord, strums the emotional heart strings and replays the melody of childhood memories. Whether it’s Bing Crosby’s famous rendition of the most requested song at Christmas U.S.O.’s – when the soldiers of World War II learned […]
Westside Story – Book Report
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Do you remember when we were school kids and our teachers made us write book reports? My sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Alba Greenfield, required her students write book reports. I loved Mrs. Greenfield, but she was unreasonable when it came to book reports. That’s right, she required that we […]
Letter: Who is the customer?
By David Anderson, Tillicum “Building trust in government” – the concern raised in the last paragraph of Lakewood City Manager Andrew Neiditiz’s column in the fall “Lakewood Connections” recently delivered to mailboxes throughout the city – is placed here in the first paragraph since the topic of trusting government merits discussion of highest importance given […]
Westside Story – Lakewood Library, Before & After
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Back in February 1986, a quarter century ago, I took the attached black and white photograph (above). In 2011, I took the attached color photograph (below).
Westside Story – Prop 1, Yes or No?
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Have you seen the campaign signs? The first sign tells us to vote “YES” on Prop 1, and it points to lots more information at For a clear understanding of why most fire fighters and police officers are supporting Prop 1, please review two items on the website: […]
Letter: Trick-or-treating – and the truth – in Tillicum
By David Anderson, Tillicum What character are you going to be for Halloween – monster, vampire, witch, werewolf, ghost, or just a regular creep? How about going as “truth” or “(environmental) justice”? The truth – about how Camp Murray’s gate could have been permitted by City of Lakewood staff to be relocated in such a […]
Westside Story – School Bus Safety
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Approximately 800 children die and 152,000 children are injured traveling to and from school each year. I will never forget the pedestrian fatality scene I investigated involving a young student killed in a cross walk. One of my jobs, that day, was to take the graphic color photographs of […]
Letter: Champions of Chaos
By David Anderson, Tillicum From “Occupy Wall Street” to Every Street – even Lakewood’s streets, and those of Tillicum and DuPont; from the rutted-roads of Rwanda to the airy mountainous heights of Afghanistan and its arid desert wastelands, chaos can reign anytime two volatile, combustible ingredients come together – leadership that is AWOL, and values […]