With a solid safe-driving background built upon a foundation of 22 years of Washington State Patrol Pursuit Driving Instruction, 22 years of traffic enforcement, 16 years of traffic collision investigation and 4 years as a Washington State Certified Driving Instructor, it amazes me when I observe how people operate their cars and trucks.Most drivers could […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – Thanks Pastor Kellcy
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The next time you see Pastor Walt Kellcy, please thank him for his ten years of dedicated service to our Clover Park School Board. He just retired from the board as President, but will not be retired for long. His next community project will be his involvement in bringing […]
Letter: Just Nights Before Christmas
By David Anderson Just nights before Christmas, the tree, newly decorated, had not only presents beneath but also four little children, all wrapped in blankets, snuggled together for warmth as the fire in the hearth died to embers. It was the fourth child, our son Matthew, who saved our lives.
Westside Story – Drive Hammered, Get Nailed
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The four words in my headline and again in my photo really tell the complete story. The holidays are a traditional time for many to partake in adult beverages. When you drink, do not drive.
Letter: Stop-the-Train Signature Drive Continues
By David Anderson We’ve discovered we have more time to gather signatures in the effort to put an initiative on the ballot for a vote of the people on the most significant transportation issue the City of Lakewood is likely ever to face – as many as 12 high speed trains per day through a […]
Letter: The Main Thing
By David Anderson “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” As we prepare our New Year’s Resolutions, what’s ‘the main thing’ and where do you get it let alone stay true to it? Steven R. Covey is the author of ‘the main thing’ quote and several others like it. Covey is […]
Westside Story – A Familiar Ring
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Chapter I – Gold Nugget Ring In 1966 my future wife and I decided to spend the money required to buy a wedding band for me. It was a lot of money and we did not have a lot of money, but since we planned to marry only once, […]
Westside Story – “KINDNESS 365”
Story & Photo by Joseph Boyle I have a metal sign hanging in my office. The sign’s message is succinct and yet shares a powerful message, “KINDNESS 365”. Let me share two stories with you to demonstrate how “KINDNESS 365” is a wonderful life-enhancing concept.
Westside Story – Lakewood Fallen Officers Anniversary
Story and Photos by Joseph Boyle On November 29, 2011 at about 8:30 a.m. I met my good friend, Skip Miller, inside the Forza Coffee Shop located at 11401 Steele St, Tacoma, Washington. We met at this particular location because it was inside this same coffee shop, just two years ago, that four of our […]