By David Anderson If you want to ensure your gutters will work this coming season of inclement weather you should, before it rains (circle one): A. Find your ladder, gloves, poking stick, broom, silicon, and clean ‘em and caulk ‘em. B. Rain? C. Never mind.
To Ponder
Letter: What Does It Matter?
A wet t-shirt contest in a bar in your neighborhood – should you care? After all, it’s for a worthy cause: breast cancer. A bikini-barista stand in your city, part of a chain judged by Maxim Magazine as among the “sexiest things in America” – so? Sex sells coffee.
Westside Story – Pierce County Fair
Story – Photo – Video – Joseph Boyle Do you like family fairs? The Pierce County Fair, located at 21606 Meridian Av E, Graham, Washington 98338, (Information phone: 253-843-1173), is going on right now through Sunday, August 11, 2013. If you have time, head out to the fair. It is inexpensive to park and enter.
Letter: Wet T-shirt Contest
I thought I would help advertise an upcoming exhibitionist event in one of our city’s watering holes since my protestations are likely to help draw the kind of clientele, contestants, cash prizes, and contributions for the cause the sponsors are allegedly promoting: breast cancer.
Letter: Don’t Fence ‘em In
By David Anderson In government today we need more free-ranging goats. The headline read, “Goats to Rid Historic Congressional Cemetery of Weeds.” Cathy Burke, Newsmax, reports that as of August 7 more than 100 goats “will graze 24 hours a day for six days, eliminating vines, poison ivy, ground cover and even fallen debris all the […]
Letter: Our Collapsing Sandcastles
Cresting across our country, a moral tsunami In a rowing race from Ballard to Bainbridge Island and back the first I noticed the oncoming ocean-going freighter was the distant smoke from its stack, after which I gave it no mind since it was so far away.
Letter: A Bikini Barista Business It’s Not
The Oakbrook area Black Star Coffee stand in Lakewood won’t be a bikini barista business after all – as was once rumored – since that possibility was prevented by the recent purchase of what is now the new Primo Espresso by John Simpson, candidate for Lakewood City Council. “I can’t solve every problem the city faces, but […]
Westside Story – Blue Ridge Parkway
Photo & Story – Joseph Boyle Bucket LIst – Ride The Blue Ridge Parkway. I did it. The Parkway runs for about 469 miles up on the crests of the southern Appalachians linking two national parks — Shenandoa National Park and Great Smoky Mountains National Park located in North Carolina and Virginia. The views are beautiful. The drive […]
Letter: Council Candidate Forum
By David Anderson Bikini barista stands; Police Use of Force Policy; Taxes for Road Maintenance – questions for Lakewood City Council candidates, Sept.5 forum.